IRVINE, Calif., Dec. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shimmick Construction Company, Inc. ("Shimmick"), a leader in critical infrastructure, water, and transit solutions, announced today that it has been awarded a key role in the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project by Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro). Shimmick, with our partner Myers and Sons, as part of the Myers-Shimmick Joint Venture (MSJV), will serve as the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) for the project's preconstruction services phase.
The $8.26 million contract for preconstruction services approved on December 5, 2024, by the LA Metro Board of Supervisors, marks the beginning of this transformative 19-mile transit corridor connecting North Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale, Eagle Rock, and Pasadena in California. Featuring 22 new stations, this BRT project will provide faster, more reliable transit options, reduce traffic congestion, and improve air quality with the use of zero-emission electric buses. The construction value for the construction phase, if awarded to Myers-Shimmick Joint Venture by LA Metro, is estimated at $190 million.
"We are excited to once again partner with Myers and Sons and LA Metro on this critical infrastructure project to improve mobility and connectivity for millions of LA County residents," said Ural Yal, CEO of Shimmick. "We are encouraged to utilize the CM/GC project delivery method, which allows the entire project team to work together to address projects risks and set the project up for success during the construction phase."
The project enhances transit access for disadvantaged Equity Focus Communities (EFCs) in the project area, including improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and utilizes electric zero-emission buses to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The preconstruction phase will involve close collaboration between the Myers-Shimmick team, Metro, and the design team to refine project designs, ensure cost control, and develop a comprehensive construction schedule. Early utility work is scheduled to begin in 2025, with the project slated for completion by 2028.
For more information, visit Metro's North Hollywood to Pasadena Transit Corridor Project Page.
Shimmick (NASDAQ: SHIM) is a leading provider of water and critical infrastructure solutions nationwide. Shimmick has a long history of delivering complex infrastructure projects from the world's largest wastewater recycling and purification system in Orange County California to the iconic Hoover Dam. Shimmick is at the forefront of delivering solutions to meet the nation's growing demand for water infrastructure. Our self-performing capability ensures better cost control, quality and client satisfaction across our diverse project portfolio. According to Engineering News Record, in 2024, Shimmick was nationally ranked as a top ten builder of water supply (#8), dams and reservoirs (#6), and water treatment and desalination plants (#7).
Investor Relations
イリノイ州アーヴァイン、2024年12月05日(グローブ・ニュースワイヤー)- 重要なインフラ、水、および交通ソリューションのリーダーであるShimmick Construction Company, Inc.(「Shimmick」)は、ロサンゼルス都市交通局(LA Metro)から北ハリウッドからパサディナへのバス高速トランジット(BRT)プロジェクトで重要な役割を受けたことを発表しました。マイヤーズ社とのパートナーであるShimmickは、マイヤーズ・シミック共同事業(MSJV)の一部として、プロジェクトの事前建設サービスフェーズの建設マネージャー/ゼネラルコントラクター(CM/GC)として機能します。
2024年12月5日にLA Metro監査委員会によって承認された826万ドルの事前建設サービス契約は、カリフォルニア州のノースハリウッド、バーバンク、グレンデール、イーグルロック、およびパサディナを結ぶ変革的な19マイルのトランジット軸に最初の一歩を示します。22の新しい駅を備えるこのBRTプロジェクトは、より迅速で信頼性の高い交通オプションを提供し、交通渋滞を軽減し、電動バスの使用により空気品質を改善します。LA Metroによってマイヤーズ・シミック共同事業に授与された場合の建設フェーズの建設価値は、19000万ドルと見積もられています。
「LA郡の何百万もの住民のためのモビリティと接続性を向上させるため、再びマイヤーズ社およびLA Metroと連携できることを喜んでいます」とShimmickのCEOであるウラル・ヤルは述べました。「プロジェクト全体のチームが協力してプロジェクトのリスクに対処し、建設フェーズ中に成功に向けたプロジェクトを進めるためのCM/GCプロジェクトのデリバリーメソッドの活用に期待しています。」