In recognition of its superb performance and execution of CY2024 wafer shipments
MIGDAL HAEMEK, Israel, Dec. 10, 2024 – Tower Semiconductor (NASDAQ/TASE: TSEM), the leading foundry of high-value analog semiconductor solutions, today announced that Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a high-performance semiconductor, Internet of Things (IoT) systems and Cloud connectivity service provider, has recognized Tower Semiconductor for Manufacturing Excellence and Partnership in Execution of CY2024 Wafer Shipments.
The award recognizes Tower's ability to successfully ramp high volume products in its most advanced platform during a time of unprecedented demand for SiGe (Silicon Germanium) integrated circuits (ICs). SiGe ICs are crucial to meet the high demand in AI and data center applications.
Semtech and Tower have a long history of collaboration on advanced optical fiber solutions. They jointly hold a large market share of SiGe products for AI and data center applications that include transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs), drivers, clock and data recovery (CDR) and active copper cable (ACC) components that make use of Tower's leading edge SiGe platform and Semtech's expertise in high-speed analog ICs.
"We recognize Tower for its manufacturing excellence and partnership," said Asaf Silberstein, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Semtech. "Tower's advanced SiGe solutions have been essential in enabling Semtech to develop and deliver leading-edge optical networking solutions to the market. Tower's agility in scaling these technologies to high volumes during peak demand periods allows our joint customers to maximize the benefits of our close partnership."
"We are honored to receive this recognition from Semtech, a leader in their space and a strong, long-standing partner for Tower," said Dr. Marco Racanelli, president, Tower Semiconductor. "We look forward to continuing our strong partnership, driving innovation and value to the benefit of our mutual customers."
For additional information about Tower Semiconductor's technology offering, please visit here.
About Tower Semiconductor
Tower Semiconductor Ltd. (NASDAQ/TASE: TSEM), the leading foundry of high value analog semiconductor solutions, provides technology, development, and process platforms for integrated circuits (ICs) in growing markets such as consumer, industrial, automotive, mobile, infrastructure, medical and aerospace and defense. Tower Semiconductor focuses on creating positive and sustainable impact on the world through long term partnerships and its advanced and innovative analog technology offering, comprised of a broad range of customizable process platforms such as SiGe, BiCMOS, mixed-signal/CMOS, RF CMOS, CMOS image sensor, non-imaging sensors, displays, integrated power management (BCD and 700V), photonics, and MEMS. Tower Semiconductor also provides world-class design enablement for a quick and accurate design cycle as well as process transfer services including development, transfer, and optimization, to IDMs and fabless companies. To provide multi-fab sourcing and extended capacity for its customers, Tower Semiconductor owns two facilities in Israel (150mm and 200mm), two in the U.S. (200mm), two in Japan (200mm and 300mm) which it owns through its 51% holdings in TPSCo, a 300mm facility in Agrate, Italy, shared with ST as well as a 300mm capacity corridor in Intel's New Mexico factory. For more information, please visit: .
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This press release includes forward-looking statements, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results may vary from those projected or implied by such forward-looking statements. A complete discussion of risks and uncertainties that may affect the accuracy of forward-looking statements included in this press release or which may otherwise affect Tower's business is included under the heading "Risk Factors" in Tower's most recent filings on Forms 20-F and 6-K, as were filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and the Israel Securities Authority. Tower does not intend to update, and expressly disclaim any obligation to update, the information contained in this release.
Tower Semiconductor Investor Relations Contact: Noit Levy | +972-4-604-7066 |
Tower Semiconductor Company Contact: Orit Shahar | +972-74-7377440 |
- Semtech Award PR_Final_12102024
2024年12月10日、イスラエルのミグダル・ハメク – タワー・セミコンダクター(ナスダック/TASE: TSEM)、高価値なアナログ半導体ソリューションのリーディングファウンドリは、本日、Semtech Corporation(ナスダック: SMTC)、高性能半導体、モノのインターネット(IoT)システム、及びクラウド接続サービスプロバイダーが、CY2024ウェハー出荷の製造優秀性と実行におけるパートナーシップでタワー・セミコンダクターを認識したことを発表しました。
この賞は、タワーが前例のないSiGe(シリコンゲルマニウム)集積回路(IC)の需要の中で、最も高度なプラットフォームで高容量製品を成功裏に立ち上げる能力を認識しています。SiGe ICは、人工知能(AI)とデータセンターアプリケーションにおける高い需要に応えるために重要です。
タワー・セミコンダクター株式会社 (ナスダック/TASE: TSEM) は、高価値アナログ半導体ソリューションの主要なファウンドリとして、消費関連、インフラ関連、医療関連、航空宇宙と防衛などの成長市場における集積回路 (IC) のためのテクノロジー、開発、プロセスプラットフォームを提供しています。タワー・セミコンダクターは、SiGe、BiCMOS、混合信号/CMOS、RF CMOS、CMOSイメージセンサー、非イメージセンサー、ディスプレイ、集積電力管理 (BCDおよび700V)、フォトニクス、MEMSなどの幅広いカスタマイズ可能なプロセスプラットフォームから構成される先進的で革新的なアナログテクノロジーを提供することにより、長期的なパートナーシップを通じて世界にポジティブで持続可能な影響を与えることに注力しています。また、タワーセミコンダクターは、迅速かつ正確な設計サイクルのための世界クラスの設計支援や、開発、移管、最適化を含むプロセス移管サービスをIDM及びファブレス企業に提供しています。顧客に対してマルチファブ調達と拡張された能力を提供するために、タワー・セミコンダクターは、イスラエルに2つの施設(150mmおよび200mm)、アメリカに2つの施設(200mm)、日本に2つの施設(200mmおよび300mm、TPSCoの51%保有を通じて所有)を有し、イタリアのアグラテにある300mm施設とインテルのニューメキシコ工場にある300mm能力回廊を共同利用しています。詳細については、次のリンクを参照してください:.
タワー・セミコンダクター 投資家向け連絡先: ノイト・レビ | +972-4-604-7066 |
タワー・セミコンダクター 会社連絡先: オリット・シャハール | +972-74-7377440 |
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