New intelligent network feature called network slicing provides differentiated service for customers' mobile video calling needs
NEW YORK, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Verizon, a leader in wireless innovation, today announced the launch of Enhanced Video Calling powered by network slicing, currently available on iPhone. Enhanced Video Calling is a new technology feature allowing Verizon's gold-standard network to intelligently adapt and manage data from video communication applications like Facetime, WhatsApp and Zoom to provide an even better experience for iPhone users.
Network slicing, the technology on which Enhanced Video Calling is based, addresses the evolving landscape of mobile consumption, where video calls are replacing traditional voice calls, streaming dominates entertainment, gaming has moved to the cloud, and businesses rely on real-time collaboration for a remote, distributed workforce. These data-intensive applications demand a network that can adapt and effectively manage traffic in real-time, maintaining high-quality audio and video connections while on the move, and ensuring seamless communication even in congested areas.
Building on Verizon's legacy of extraordinary network quality and a commitment to connecting people, Enhanced Video Calling marks a significant advancement in mobile connectivity, delivering a host of benefits for Verizon customers when it matters most, including:
- Clear Video Calls: Customers can get clear video calls even in times of congestion, making virtual connections feel more personal and engaging.
- Consistent real-time collaboration: Low latency, high quality video conferencing, allowing minimized disruptions for essential business communications and critical scenarios.
"At Verizon, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of connectivity to empower our customers to thrive in today's digital world," says Srini Kalapala, Senior Vice President of Technology and Product Development. "Using the 5G advanced network features to power Enhanced Video Calling allows us to offer seamless mobile video calling experiences for our customers, even in congested areas."
Enhanced Video Calling is available in select 5G Ultra Wideband coverage areas at no additional cost with the Unlimited Ultimate plan or Business Unlimited Pro 5G Plan, an iPhone14 or newer device, iOS 18.2 and with participating applications. Exclusions may apply. See Important Plan Information and FAQ for details.
Network slicing technology marks a significant advancement in mobile connectivity. Enhanced Video Calling employs network slicing technology. This unique 5G advanced capability uses a virtualized network infrastructure to dynamically match network performance characteristics to specific application requirements, while optimizing the network performance to support all services.
The advanced capabilities, high speed, increased bandwidth, and low latency of 5G are inspiring the development of a wide variety of new use cases that include everything from massive numbers of IoT devices that use very few network resources, to smartphone applications that use data in countless ways, to more complex solutions such as gaming, AR/VR and mixed reality that will require massive computing capabilities and low latency on the edge of the network. Those solutions would each benefit from different combinations of network capabilities.
The 5G standalone core's cloud-native applications, in combination with built-in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), enables the dynamic allocation of the appropriate resources, referred to as network slicing. It also allows for automated network configuration changes, including the ability to scale up or scale down network function capacity in real time - to provide the right service levels and network resources needed for each use case and customer.
For example, utility company smart readers use very little bandwidth, are not latency sensitive, and do not need mobility routing functions as they are in a fixed position attached to homes and do not move. This use case would require fewer network resources. Alternatively, massive multi-player online gaming in a mobile environment would benefit from certain upload and download speeds and low latency to work effectively and provide players with an immersive experience on a mobile device. In each case, using network slicing, Verizon would be able to better match network performance to application requirements. In short, dynamic network resource provisioning allows the network to dynamically support the experience customers should get for the applications they are using and efficiently provide that specific service level when resources are available.
Karen Schulz
ニューヨーク、2024年12月11日(グローブニュースワイヤー)-- ベライゾンコミュニケーションズは、ワイヤレスイノベーションのリーダーとして、現在iPhoneで利用できるネットワークスライシングによって強化されたビデオ通話の開始を発表しました。強化されたビデオ通話は、ベライゾンのゴールドスタンダードネットワークが動画通信アプリケーション(Facetime、WhatsApp、Zoomなど)からのデータをインテリジェントに適応・管理し、iPhoneユーザーにより良い体験を提供する新しいテクノロジー機能です。
- クリアなビデオ通話:混雑時でもクリアなビデオ通話が可能で、バーチャル接続がより個人的で魅力的に感じられます。
- 一貫したリアルタイムコラボレーション:低遅延、高品質のビデオ会議を提供し、重要なビジネス通信やクリティカルなシナリオのための中断を最小限に抑えます。
「ベライゾンでは、接続性の限界を押し広げ、顧客が今日のデジタル世界で成功できるように努めています」とテクノロジーおよびプロダクト開発のシニアバイスプレジデント、スリニ・カラパラ氏は語ります。「5GのAdvancedネットワーク機能を活用してEnhanced Video Callingを実現することで、混雑したエリアでも顧客にシームレスなモバイルビデオ通話体験を提供することが可能になります。」
Enhanced Video Callingは、Unlimited UltimateプランまたはBusiness Unlimited Pro 5Gプランにおいて、追加料金なしで選定された5G Ultra Widebandのカバレッジエリアで利用可能です。iPhone14またはそれ以降のデバイス、iOS 18.2、および参加アプリケーションが必要です。条件が適用される場合があります。詳細については重要なプラン情報およびFAQを参照してください。
ネットワークスライシング技術は、モバイル接続性において重要な進展を示しています。Enhanced Video Callingはネットワークスライシング技術を利用しています。この独自の5GのAdvanced機能は、特定のアプリケーションの要求に応じてネットワークのパフォーマンス特性を動的に一致させるための仮想化されたネットワークインフラを使用し、すべてのサービスをサポートするためにネットワークのパフォーマンスを最適化します。