AI chipmaker Nvidia Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA) has reportedly added hundreds of staff in China this year.
What Happened: Nvidia will now end the year with nearly 4,000 employees, marking a significant increase from the 3,000 at the onset of the year, reported Bloomberg, citing people familiar with the matter.
The increase in workforce in China is aimed at improving the company's research capabilities and focus on new autonomous driving technologies, the report said.
The report said Nvidia has added 200 people to its team of researchers in Beijing working on autonomous driving. People have also been added to the company's after-sales service and networking software development teams.
Nvidia has been developing driving automation and AI software for over a decade, the report noted, while adding that the efforts are yet to yield results.
Why It Matters: Overall, Nvidia had 29,600 employees in 36 countries around the world as of February. The company has been adding more to meet the rising demand for its AI chips.
China has seen a surge in EV sales and companies over the past few years. Autonomous driving technology, therefore, has significant demand in the country.
However, earlier this week, China launched an antitrust investigation centered on Nvidia's acquisition of Israeli networking company Mellanox Technologies, approved in 2020, and its potential violations of China's anti-monopoly laws.
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人工知能チップメーカーのエヌビディア (ナスダック:NVDA) は、今年中国で数百人のスタッフを追加したと報じられています。
何が起こったのか: エヌビディアは年末までにほぼ 4,000 人の従業員を持つことになり、年初の 3,000 人から大幅に増加したと、ブルームバーグがこの件に詳しい人々を引用して報じました。
報告によると、エヌビディアは自動運転に取り組む北京の研究者チームに 200 人を追加しました。また、アフターサービスおよびネットワークソフトウェア開発チームにも人員が追加されています。
なぜ重要なのか: 全体で、エヌビディアは2月時点で36か国に 29,600 人の従業員を持っています。同社は人工知能チップへの高まる需要に応えるため、より多くの人員を追加しています。
中国では過去数年で EV の販売と企業が急増しています。したがって、自動運転技術には大きな需要があります。
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