The two teams will comprise 25 experienced bankers.
OCBC has set up a dedicated team in Singapore and Malaysia to support small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) customers to capture opportunities arising from the planned Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ).
The initiative will support SME customers across its core markets of Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mainland China, and Hong Kong SAR.
The two dedicated teams will comprise 25 experienced bankers with an average of over 10 years of experience. They will advise SMEs on how to SMEs start and grow their businesses and connect them with suitable partners in the special economic zone.
"By setting up dedicated teams on both sides of the Causeway, we are well placed to support this growing interest of regional SMEs in entering the Johor and wider Malaysia market. Recent geopolitical developments, the continued rise of ASEAN for supply chain diversity and resilience, and the significant growth of foreign direct investments into Malaysia these two years will further amplify the potential of the JS-SEZ," Tan Teck Long, head of Global Wholesale Banking at OCBC said.
"両側に専任チームを設置することで、ジョホールとマレーシア全体の市場に進出する地域別中小型株の関心が高まっていることにしっかり対応できるようになります。最近の地政学的な動向、サプライチェーンの多様性とレジスタンスのためのASEANの継続的な成長、そしてこの2年間にマレーシアへの外国直接投資が大幅に増加したことは、JS-SEZの可能性をさらに高めるでしょう。" OCBCのグローバルホールセールバンキング責任者、タン・テック・ロングは言いました。