VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canadian Gold Resources Ltd. ("Canadian Gold" or the "Company") (TSXV: CAN) (formerly "Amseco Exploration Ltd.") is pleased to announce that the common shares of the Company will officially commence trading on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") under the trading symbol "CAN" and new CUSIP #13585U109, as of market open today, Thursday, December 12, 2024.
"The listing marks a significant milestone for Canadian Gold, providing the Company with greater access to capital markets, increased visibility, and enhanced opportunities for growth, and development," said Ronald Goguen Chairman, President & CEO of Canadian Gold. "This listing aligns with Canadian Gold's strategy to advance its exploration and development projects in Canada, further solidifying its position in the growing resource sector."
Key Investment Highlights:
- Near-Term Cash Flow & Dividends
Flagship Lac Arsenault project is expected to generate CAD $9 million(1) from bulk sampling activities with cash flow projected in 2025, with a significant portion of proceeds planned to be distributed as dividends to shareholders.
(1) This is forward-looking information. Readers are advised to the full forward-looking statement at the end of this news release for important details regarding assumptions, risks and uncertainties associated with such information.
- High-Grade Gold Projects
Canadian Gold's portfolio includes high-grade assets like Lac Arsenault (up to 15.43 g/t Au(2) – explored by Imperial & Esso Minerals in the mid 1970's), Robidoux (up to 92.0 g/t Au(2)) and VG Boulder (up to 75.7 g/t Au(2)), offering strong exploration upside.
(2) These estimates are historical and has not been verified – it is not NI 43-101 compliant –additional work is required to confirm this estimate
- Strategic Location
The Company controls 15,838 hectares and more than 34 km of strike along the mineral-rich Grand Pabos Fault, known for hosting significant gold deposits.
- Experienced Leadership
Led by Ronald Goguen, founder of Major Drilling, the team brings over 40 years of experience in advancing exploration projects to development.
- Growth & Exploration Plans
Ongoing exploration activities in 2025, including drilling and bulk sampling, aim to expand resources, and generate non-dilutive capital for further development.
About Canadian Gold Resources Ltd.
Canadian Gold Resources Ltd. (TSXV: CAN) is a Canadian exploration company focused on developing high-grade gold projects in the Gaspé Gold Belt of Quebec. The Company targets under-explored, past-producing properties with significant growth potential, leveraging modern exploration techniques to unlock value. With a team of experienced professionals and a commitment to sustainability and community engagement, Canadian Gold Resources is well-positioned to capitalize on opportunities within this historic and promising gold region. For more information, visit .
For further information, please contact:
Ronald Goguen
Chairman, President & CEO of Canadian Gold Resources
Investor Relations
Caroline Sawamoto
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) has reviewed or accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "FLI") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. FLI is based on the current expectations, estimates, projections, and assumptions as of the date of this news release. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are FLI and involve various risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Generally, FLI can be identified by terminology such as "expects," "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "plans," "intends," "predicts," "projects," "seeks," "potential," "targets," or similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. FLI includes, but is not limited to, statements regarding the Company's exploration activities, anticipated economic assessments, projected production, operating costs, capital costs, potential revenues, and other forward-looking metrics related to the Lac Arsenault Project.
Specifically, FLI contained in this news release includes statements regarding the revenue projections from a proposed bulk sample program at the Lac Arsenault Project. These projections are based on the extraction of an estimated 10,000 tonnes of material with an average grade of 15.55 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold, translating to approximately 5,000 ounces of contained gold.
Applying a metallurgical recovery rate of 80%, this yields an estimated 4,000 ounces of gold production. At an assumed gold price of USD $1,800 per ounce and a USD/CAD exchange rate of 1.25, the anticipated revenue is approximately CAD $9,000,000. The associated costs for the bulk sample program, including drilling, transportation, and processing, are projected to total approximately CAD $2,500,000, based on existing fixed contractual agreements.
FLI is provided to help readers understand management's current expectations and is not a guarantee of future results. FLI is subject to various known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such FLI. These risks include, but are not limited to, the accuracy of mineral grade estimates, metallurgical recovery rates, gold price fluctuations, foreign exchange rate volatility, unforeseen technical or operational challenges, regulatory changes, environmental risks, community and governmental actions, and the ability of the Company to secure required funding and approvals.
While management believes the assumptions and expectations reflected in the FLI are reasonable as of the date of this news release, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove correct, and actual outcomes may vary materially. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on FLI. The Company will only update or revise any FLI in accordance with applicable law, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise and may even withdraw such FLI if it feels that such action is warranted. Such updates, revisions or withdrawals of FLI will be disclosed in such manner as required by law.
The assumptions upon which the FLI is based include, but are not limited to, geological data, historical exploration results, economic conditions, market demand for gold, and the accuracy of fixed contractual cost estimates. Additional risks and uncertainties regarding the Company's business are outlined in the Company's public disclosure documents available at .
バンクーバー、ブリティッシュコロンビア州、2024年12月12日(グローブニュースワイヤー) -- Canadian Gold Resources Ltd.(「Canadian Gold」または「会社」)(TSXV: CAN)(以前の「Amseco Exploration Ltd.」)は、本日2024年12月12日木曜日の市場オープンと共に、会社の普通株式がTSX Venture 取引所(「TSXV」)で取引を正式に開始し、取引シンボル「CAN」と新しいCUSIP番号#13585U109の下で取引されることを喜んでお知らせします。
- 短期的なキャッシュフローと配当
フラッグシップのLac Arsenaultプロジェクトは、バルクサンプリング活動からCAD $900万(1)を生成することが期待されており、キャッシュフローは2025年に見込まれており、収益の重要な部分は株主に配当として配分される予定です。
(1) これは将来の見通しに関する情報です。読者は、このニュースリリースの最後にある完全な将来見通しに関する声明を確認し、その情報に伴う前提条件、リスク、および不確実性に関する重要な詳細を把握することが推奨されます。
- 高グレードGoldプロジェクト
Canadian Goldのポートフォリオには、Lac Arsenault(最大15.43 g/t Au(2) – 1970年代中頃にImperial & Esso Mineralsによって探査された)、Robidoux(最大92.0 g/t Au(2))、およびVG Boulder(最大75.7 g/t Au(2))などの高グレード資産が含まれており、強力な探査の上振れがあります。
(2) これらの推定値は歴史的なものであり、検証されていません – NI 43-101に準拠していません – この推定を確認するには追加の作業が必要です。
- 戦略的な立地
会社は、重要な金鉱 deposit を有することで知られる鉱物豊富なGrand Pabos Faultに沿って、15,838ヘクタール以上、34 km以上のストライクを制御しています。
- 経験豊富なリーダーシップ
Major Drillingの創設者であるロナルド・ゴーゲンの指導の下、チームは探索プロジェクトを開発に進める40年以上の経験を持っています。
- 成長と探査計画
カナダンゴールドリソース株式会社(TSXV:CAN)は、ケベック州のガスペ ゴールド ベルトで高品位の金プロジェクトの開発に注力するカナダの探査会社です。会社は、現代の探査技術を駆使して価値を引き出す、未探査で過去に生産していた特性での重要な成長の可能性にターゲットを絞っています。経験豊富な専門家のチームと持続可能性及びコミュニティ対話へのコミットメントを持つカナダンゴールドリソースは、この歴史的で有望な金地域内での機会を捉えるための優れた位置にいます。詳細については、訪問してください。
TSX Venture 取引所およびその規制サービスプロバイダー(TSX Venture 取引所の方針で定義された用語として)は、このリリースの十分性または正確性についてレビューも責任も負いません。
このニュースリリースには、カナダの証券法の意味における前向きな声明および前向きな情報(総称して「FLI」)が含まれています。FLIは、このニュースリリースの日付時点での現在の期待、推定、予測、および仮定に基づいています。ここに含まれる歴史的事実の声明を除くすべての声明はFLIであり、さまざまなリスク、不確実性、および仮定を伴います。一般的に、FLIは「期待する」、「予測する」、「信じる」、「推定する」、「計画する」、「意図する」、「予測する」、「プロジェクトする」、「探求する」、「潜在的な」、「ターゲット」、「将来の結果を示唆するような類似の表現」といった用語によって特定されます。FLIには、会社の探査活動、予想される経済評価、予測される生産、運営コスト、資本コスト、潜在的な売上高、その他Lac Arsenaultプロジェクトに関連する前向きな指標に関する声明が含まれます。
具体的には、このニュースリリースに含まれるFLIには、Lac Arsenaultプロジェクトで提案されているバルクサンプルプログラムからの売上高予測に関する声明が含まれています。これらの予測は、平均グレード15.55グラム毎トン(「g/t」)の材料を約10,000トン抽出することに基づいており、約5,000オンスの金を含むことになります。
80%の金属回収率を適用すると、推定4,000オンスの金生産が得られます。金価格が1オンスあたり1,800 USD、USD/CADの為替レートが1.25と仮定すると、予想される売上高は約CAD $9,000,000になります。掘削、交通機関、処理を含むバルクサンプルプログラムに関連するコストは、既存の固定契約に基づいて約CAD $2,500,000になると予測されています。