FREEHOLD, N.J., Dec. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Channel Therapeutics Corporation, ("Channel" or the "Company"), (NYSE American: CHRO), a pioneer in the development of non-opioid pain treatment therapeutics, today announced that it achieved its endpoints in two pre-clinical in vivo models of the Company's nerve block formulations for acute pain, showing material improvement over the existing standard of care, bupivacaine, in both efficacy and duration.
"We are very pleased with the results, which potentially demonstrate that nerve blocks with our NaV1.7 inhibitors may be viable options for the treatment of acute and postoperative pain," stated Dr. Eric Lang, Chief Medical Officer of Channel. "Additionally, we believe this drug has the potential to improve on existing postoperative therapeutic options while opening the door for success with our other programs," concluded Dr. Lang.
About the trial
The Company performed a thermal hyperalgesia test in rodents with a placebo arm, bupivacaine arm and four arms of the main formulations of the Company's molecule. The Company also performed a mechanical allodynia test in rodents with the same arms as above. For both models, the drugs were administered as a sciatic nerve block. All four Company formulations showed a depot effect in excess of four days, an improvement over bupivacaine, the current standard of care.
The results of the thermal hyperalgesia results are shown in the chart below. After thirty minutes, three of the four formulations showed materially better efficacy than bupivacaine, with each of the three being statistically superior to placebo for more than two days longer than bupivacaine. One of the formulations remained statistically superior to placebo for more than four days. Further, as NaV1.7 does not have an impact on mobility, this approach may offer a better option for post-surgical physical therapy as current nerve block therapies cause temporary paralysis in the affected area.
Similarly for the mechanical allodynia test results, three of the four formulations showed statistically better efficacy for a longer duration of time than bupivacaine. The mechanical allodynia test is shorter in duration, reflecting the subject's innate swift recovery rate to surgical incisions. Nonetheless, the results mirrored the successful results set forth with the thermal hyperalgesia test.
"These results support our belief that NaV1.7 is a potent and effective target for the development of drugs for the treatment of pain," stated Frank Knuettel II, Chief Executive Officer of Channel. "With these results, investors should feel encouraged that we have a strong development path towards successfully launching drugs with considerable market opportunities," Mr. Knuettel concluded.
According to BioSpace, the post-operative global pain market was valued at $2.6 billion in 2023, of which, Exparel, a bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension, generated approximately $538 million in revenue. It is this existing market that the Company is tackling, as well as the post-surgical opioid market opportunity, as these results show potential efficacy for a long period of time, which should reduce post-surgical opioid usage.
Results are expected for the studies conducted on the Company's eye drops for the treatment of various types of eye pain – including severe dry eye, corneal abrasions, surgical intervention and other indications – in late January 2025.
About Channel
Channel Therapeutics Corporation is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing and commercializing novel, non-opioid, non-addictive therapeutics to alleviate pain. The Company's initial clinical focus is to selectively target the sodium ion-channel known as NaV1.7 for the treatment of various types of chronic pain, acute and chronic eye pain and post-surgical nerve blocks. For company updates and to learn more about Channel, visit or follow us on social media.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding the Company's current expectations. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, references to the Company's expectations regarding (i) the Company's belief that nerve blocks with its NaV1.7 inhibitors may be viable options for the treatment of acute and postoperative pain, (ii) the Company's belief the Company's NaV1.7 inhibitor has the potential to improve on existing postoperative therapeutic options while opening the door for success with the Company's other programs, (iii) the Company's belief that the NaV1.7 inhibitor may offer a better option for post-surgical physical therapy as compared to bupivacaine, (iv) the Company's belief that investors should feel encouraged that the Company has a strong development path towards successfully launching drugs with considerable market opportunities, and (iv) the timing of expected results on the Company's eye drops for the treatment of various types of eye pain. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties related to there being no guarantee that the trading price of the Company's Common Stock will be indicative of the Company's value or that the Company's Common Stock will become an attractive investment in the future. These and other risks and uncertainties are described more fully in in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The information in this press release is provided only as of the date of this press release, and we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this press release based on new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law.
Channel Media and Investor Inquires:
For Investor Inquiries:
Mike Moyer
Managing Director, LifeSci Advisors, LLC
フリーホールド、N.J.、2024年12月18日(グローブニュースワイヤー)-- チャンネルセラピューティクス株式会社(「チャンネル」または「会社」)、(NYSE アメリカ: CHRO)、非オピオイドの疼痛治療薬の開発のパイオニアは、今日、急性疼痛のための会社の神経ブロック製剤に関する2つの前臨床in vivoモデルでそのエンドポイントを達成し、既存の標準的治療法であるブピバカインに対して、有効性と持続時間の両方で実質的な改善を示したことを発表しました。
「これらの結果は、NaV1.7が痛みの治療のための薬剤開発において強力かつ効果的なターゲットであるという私たちの信念を支持しています」とChannelのCEOであるフランク・クニュッテル II氏は述べました。「これらの結果をもって、投資家は市場機会の大きい薬剤を成功裏に導入するための強力な開発の道があることを期待すべきです」とクニュッテル氏は結論づけました。
このプレスリリースには、会社の現在の期待に関する前向きな声明が含まれています。これらの前向きな声明には、制限なく、会社の期待に関する言及が含まれています。(i) 会社の信念として、NaV1.7 阻害剤を使用した神経ブロックは急性および術後の痛みの治療において実行可能な選択肢である可能性があること、(ii) 会社の信念として、NaV1.7 阻害剤は既存の術後治療オプションを改善する可能性があり、会社の他のプログラムの成功への扉を開くことができること、(iii) 会社の信念として、NaV1.7 阻害剤は、ブピバカインと比較して、術後の理学療法においてより良い選択肢を提供する可能性があること、(iv) 投資家が会社が大きな市場機会を持つ薬を成功裏に発売する強力な開発経路を持っていることを励んでいるべきだと会社が信じていること、および(v) 会社の眼痛治療用点眼薬の期待される結果のタイミングです。これらの声明は未来のパフォーマンスの保証ではなく、予測することが困難な特定のリスク、不確実性および仮定に従っていることに留意してください。実際の結果がこのような前向きな声明に記載されたものと実質的に異なる要因には、会社の普通株式の取引価格が会社の価値を示すものである保証がないことや、会社の普通株式が将来的に魅力的な投資になる保証がないことに関連するリスクや不確実性が含まれますが、これに限られません。これらおよびその他のリスクと不確実性については、米国証券取引委員会への当社の申請書でより詳細に説明されています。このプレスリリースに含まれる情報は、プレスリリースの日付時点でのみ提供されており、新しい情報、将来のイベント、または法的に要求されない限り、このプレスリリースに含まれる前向きな声明を更新する義務を負いません。