MacKenzie Scott, one of America's wealthiest philanthropists, announced $2 billion in new charitable donations for 2024, while revealing a strategic shift toward mission-aligned investments for her remaining fortune. The latest round of giving brings her total donations since 2019 to $19.2 billion, according to her Wednesday blog post on Yield Giving.
What Happened: Scott, who received approximately 400 million Inc. shares in her 2019 divorce settlement from founder Jeff Bezos, has recently sold 11% of her Amazon holdings, valued at over $8 billion. Despite her aggressive giving strategy, Forbes estimates her current wealth at $31.7 billion.
In a notable departure from traditional portfolio management, Scott disclosed that she has directed her investment advisors to focus on "mission-aligned ventures" rather than conventional stock portfolios that "increase the wealth and influence of leaders who already have it."
Why It Matters: Scott's 2024 grants have primarily targeted economic security and opportunity initiatives. Notable recipients include repeat grantees like CAMFED, supporting girls' education in Africa, and Undue Medical Debt (formerly RIP Medical Debt), marking a new pattern in her giving strategy.
Scott's continued liquidation of Amazon shares and her shift toward mission-aligned investments could signal broader trends in wealth management among ultra-high-net-worth individuals. Had she retained all her original shares, Scott's Amazon holdings alone would have made her an estimated worth of $88 billion.
Melinda French Gates, who maintains significant holdings in Microsoft Corp., has publicly supported Scott's rapid-giving approach while criticizing other tech billionaires for not doing enough to give back to society.
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Image via IWEC Foundation
Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.
アメリカの最も裕福な慈善家の一人であるマッケンジー・スコットが、2024年の新たな慈善寄付として20億ドルを発表し、残りの資産のミッションに沿った投資への戦略的シフトを明らかにしました。最新の寄付額により、2019年以降の彼女の総寄付額は192億ドルに達しました。これは彼女の水曜日のブログ投稿「Yield Giving」に基づいています。
何が起こったか: スコットは、創業者ジェフ・ベゾスとの2019年の離婚和解で約40000万のアマゾン・ドットコムの株を受け取り、最近アマゾンの保有株の11%を売却しました。その評価額は80億ドルを超えています。彼女の積極的な寄付戦略にもかかわらず、フォーブスは彼女の現在の資産が317億ドルであると見積もっています。
なぜ重要なのか: スコットの2024年の助成金は、主に経済的セキュリティと機会のイニシアチブをターゲットにしています。注目すべき受益者には、アフリカの女の子の教育を支援するCAMFEDや、医療関連の負債を軽減するUndue Medical Debt(以前のRIP Medical Debt)などの再寄付者が含まれており、彼女の寄付戦略に新たなパターンを示しています。
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画像提供: IWEC財団