Enhanced Capabilities Identify and Mitigate Dynamically Changing, AI-Enabled DDoS Attacks
WESTFORD, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC. (NASDAQ: NTCT), a leading provider of performance management, cybersecurity, and DDoS attack protection solutions, today announced updates to its industry-leading Arbor Edge Defense (AED) and Arbor Enterprise Manager (AEM) products as part of its Adaptive DDoS Protection Solution to combat AI-enabled DDoS threats and protect critical IT infrastructure. NETSCOUT's DDoS Threat Intelligence Report noted that application-layer and volumetric attacks have increased by over 43% and 30%, respectively. DDoS-for-hire services have also increased in number and sophistication, making attacks easier to launch. The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) also recently released a cybersecurity advisory that validated the need for better controls to prevent and detect malicious activity, reinforcing enterprises' need for protective solutions to minimize business risk.
"According to recent IDC research, IT environment complexity is often the top challenge to an organization's mitigation efforts, especially as attackers continually modulate their attack vectors using AI to challenge defenses," said Chris Rodriguez, Research Director, Security & Trust, IDC. "Organizations need to invest in proactive, adaptive measures to protect their environments like those provided by NETSCOUT's Adaptive DDoS Protection solution. Reactive or static mitigation that lacks sophisticated intelligence creates unnecessary risk and opens the door for costly damage to business productivity and reputation."
NETSCOUT employs artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology in its ATLAS Threat Intelligence Feed and in a unique set of capabilities for adaptive DDoS protection. The NETSCOUT ATLAS global threat intelligence system monitors over 550 Tbps of Internet traffic in real-time across over 500 ISPs and 2000-plus enterprise sites from over 100 countries. The AI/ML algorithms run in the ATLAS cloud infrastructure as part of a product-independent data collection and analysis pipeline that can be updated anytime without requiring product software or customer site updates.
AI/ML technology is also used in the latest AED and AEM releases to create a repeatable closed-loop DDoS attack analysis and mitigation process that automatically identifies changing attack vectors and provides recommendations specific to those attack vectors for attack mitigation, with the option to automatically apply those recommendations. NETSCOUT's AI/ML-powered ATLAS Threat Intelligence and Adaptive DDoS Protection solution utilizing AED and AEM automates DDoS attack detection and protection workflows to reduce downtime costs and provide better protection for business-critical services whether they reside on-premises or live in the public cloud.
"Adaptive DDoS Protection provides customers with a sophisticated feature set designed to stop the ever-evolving threats to critical IT infrastructure, which has increased by 55% over the last four years," said Scott Iekel-Johnson, AVP, DDoS and Threat Intelligence at NETSCOUT. "We're continually adding new capabilities to our solution to help organizations protect assets anywhere, including on-premises, in a private data center, or a public cloud through a single solution."
Additional enhancements include holistic management and visibility into blocking non-DDoS threats, a new appliance that supports up to 200 Gbps of DDoS attack mitigation capacity and high-performance decryption, and Virtual AED's extended support for Microsoft Azure public cloud environments, in addition to AWS Cloud, for unified hybrid-cloud DDoS attack protection.
Visit our website to learn more about AED, AEM and NETSCOUT's Adaptive DDoS Protection Solution.
NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC. (NASDAQ: NTCT) protects the connected world from cyberattacks and performance and availability disruptions through its unique visibility platform and solutions powered by its pioneering deep packet inspection at scale technology. NETSCOUT serves the world's largest enterprises, service providers, and public sector organizations. Learn more at or follow @NETSCOUT on LinkedIn, X, or Facebook.
2024 NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC. All rights reserved. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Contacts Editorial Contacts:
Chris Lucas
NETSCOUT Systems, Inc.
+1 978 614 4124
Chris Shattuck
Finn Partners for NETSCOUT
+1 404 502 6755
マサチューセッツ州ウェストフォード--(ビジネスワイヤ)--ネットスカウトシステムズ株式会社(ナスダック:NTCT)は、パフォーマンス管理、サイバーセキュリティおよびDDoS攻撃保護ソリューションの主要プロバイダーであり、AI対応DDoS脅威に対抗し、重要なITインフラを保護するための適応型DDoS保護ソリューションの一環として、業界をリードするArbor Edge Defense(AED)およびArbor Enterprise Manager(AEM)製品の更新を発表しました。ネットスカウトのDDoS脅威インテリジェンスレポートによると、アプリケーション層およびボリューム攻撃はそれぞれ43%および30%増加しています。DDoSを依頼するサービスも増加し、その数と洗練度が向上しており、攻撃が容易になっています。サイバーセキュリティおよびインフラセキュリティ局(CISA)も最近、悪意のある活動を防止し検出するためのより良いコントロールが必要であることを確認するサイバーセキュリティに関する勧告を発表し、企業がビジネスリスクを最小化するために保護ソリューションを必要としていることを強調しました。
ネットスカウトは、ATLAS脅威インテリジェンスフィードと適応型DDoS保護のためのユニークな機能セットにおいて、人工知能(AI)および機械学習(ML)テクノロジーを採用しています。ネットスカウトATLASのグローバル脅威インテリジェンスシステムは、100カ国以上からの500以上のISPおよび2000サイト以上のエンタープライズサイトで、リアルタイムで550 Tbpsを超えるインターネットトラフィックを監視しています。AI/MLアルゴリズムは、製品に依存しないデータ収集および分析パイプラインの一部としてATLASクラウドインフラで実行され、製品ソフトウェアや顧客サイトの更新を必要とせずにいつでも更新可能です。
追加の改善点としては、非DDoS脅威のブロックに対する全体的な管理と可視性、新しいアプライアンスがDDoS攻撃軽減能力を200 Gbpsまでサポートし、高性能の復号化機能、さらにAWSクラウドに加えてMicrosoft Azureのパブリッククラウド環境に対するヴァーチャルAEDの拡張サポートが含まれています。これは、統合されたハイブリッドクラウドDDoS攻撃保護に寄与します。
2024 ネットスカウトシステムズ株式会社 全著作権所有。言及された第三者の商標は、それぞれの所有者の財産です。
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