InterDigital awarded for AI-empowered receiver design for 6G wireless communications
WILMINGTON, Del., Dec. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- InterDigital, Inc. (Nasdaq: IDCC), a mobile, video and AI technology research and development company, was awarded a Fierce Network Innovation Award recognizing outstanding innovation in AI. Announced on December 19, the annual Fierce Network Innovation Awards celebrate transformative companies, solutions, and individuals with the potential to revolutionize networks, drive customer engagement, and deliver substantial savings and innovation.
In the category of AI, InterDigital's AI-Empowered Receiver Design for 6G Wireless Communications was recognized for its ability to use the power of AI and machine learning (ML) to reshape wireless communications, particularly in advancing receiver design for 6G wireless systems. Validated through an over-the-air testbed with Keysight Technologies, Inc, InterDigital's AI-empowered receiver architecture substitutes three traditional signal processing functions at the receiver with a single AI/ML model, trained to jointly perform channel estimation, equalization, and demodulation with improved performance and robustness. This joint learning approach seamlessly integrates and optimizes the functions, thereby delivering significant improvements in throughput performance and a substantial reduction in communication overhead when compared to conventional designs. Our innovative approach improves throughput performance, enhances robustness to hardware and radio impairments, simplifies receiver design, and reduces overhead, making it an ideal solution for 6G applications.
"We are proud to be bestowed this Fierce Network Innovation Award in recognition of our bleeding-edge and transformative research that is unlocking new potential across our connected ecosystem" said InterDigital CTO Rajesh Pankaj. "Being considered amongst many peers of our industry, these awards reflect InterDigital's impact and continued dedication to developing technologies that address global challenges while pushing the boundaries of AI and wireless innovation."
To learn more about InterDigital's award-winning research and solutions, please click here.
To learn more about the 2024 Fierce Network Innovation Award winners, please click here.
About InterDigital
InterDigital is a global research and development company focused primarily on wireless, video, artificial intelligence ("AI"), and related technologies. We design and develop foundational technologies that enable connected, immersive experiences in a broad range of communications and entertainment products and services. We license our innovations worldwide to companies providing such products and services, including makers of wireless communications devices, consumer electronics, IoT devices, cars and other motor vehicles, and providers of cloud-based services such as video streaming. As a leader in wireless technology, our engineers have designed and developed a wide range of innovations that are used in wireless products and networks, from the earliest digital cellular systems to 5G and today's most advanced Wi-Fi technologies. We are also a leader in video processing and video encoding/decoding technology, with a significant AI research effort that intersects with both wireless and video technologies. Founded in 1972, InterDigital is listed on Nasdaq.
InterDigital is a registered trademark of InterDigital, Inc.
InterDigital Contact:
Roya Stephens
+1 (202) 349-1714
デラウェア州ウィルミントン、2024年12月20日(グローブニュースワイヤー) -- インターデジタル社(ナスダック:IDCC)は、モバイル、ビデオ、人工知能テクノロジーの研究開発会社であり、AIの優れた革新を認めるFierce Network Innovation Awardを受賞しました。12月19日に発表されたこの年次のFierce Network Innovation Awardsは、ネットワークを革命的に変革し、顧客の関与を促進し、 substantial savings and innovationを提供する可能性のある変革的な企業、ソリューション、個人を称えます。
「私たちは、接続されたエコシステム全体に新たな可能性を開放する最先端の変革的研究が評価され、このFierce Network Innovation Awardを授与されることに誇りを持っています」とインターデジタルのCTOであるラジェシュ・パンカジは述べました。「業界の多くの仲間の中で評価されることは、インターデジタルの影響力と、グローバルな課題に対応するテクノロジーの開発に対する継続的な献身を反映しています。その一方で、人工知能と無線革新の限界を押し広げています。」
+1 (202) 349-1714