The following is a summary of the Phibro Animal Health Corporation (PAHC) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:
Financial Performance:
Q1 FY2025 revenue reported at $260.4 million, a 13% increase year-over-year.
Adjusted EBITDA rose by 64% to $12 million compared to the previous year.
Adjusted net income and diluted EPS both increased significantly, driven by higher sales volume and favorable cost management.
Business Progress:
Animal Health business experienced a 14% growth, led by vaccine sales which surged by 22% and MFA and other products by 15%.
Mineral Nutrition and Performance Products segments grew by 5% and 27% respectively.
Launched the Phibro Forward program to drive future EBITDA and margin growth, with no significant headcount reductions expected.
Closed the acquisition of Zoetis' Medicated Feed Additive business, which is anticipated to further enhance Phibro's market position and scale.
The acquisition of Zoetis' Medicated Feed Additive business is expected to significantly boost Phibro's size and scale, providing enhanced growth opportunities in the MFAs and other categories.
The gradual integration of the Zoetis portfolio may lead to initial destocking and regulatory transition periods affecting sales in the near term.
More details: Phibro Animal Health IR
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