The following is a summary of the Forian Inc. (FORA) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:
Financial Performance:
Forian Inc. reported a third-quarter revenue of $4.7 million, down from $5.3 million year-over-year.
The company experienced a net loss of $0.2 million, compared to a net income of $4.3 million in the same period last year.
Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $0.2 million, a significant decrease from $1.1 million year-over-year.
Business Progress:
Forian intends to break out of its consistent revenue range in 2025, supported by increased sales momentum in health care services and life sciences.
The acquisition of Kyber Data Science is expected to expand Forian's addressable market and enhance its data science and predictive analytic capabilities.
The acquisition of Kyber Data Science targets new market opportunities by including financial service customers, which aligns well with Forian's life science customer base.
Forian continues to actively evaluate strategic opportunities, potentially including partnerships and acquisitions to enhance and expand their product portfolio and client base.
Revenue impacts from new sales have not been fully realized, posing a risk of delayed financial improvement.
Previous customer attrition and data disruptions have been significant headwinds, reflected in stagnant revenue growth.
More details: Forian IR
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詳細: フォリアン IR
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