Lima, Dec. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LIMA, PERU, December 30, 2024 – Credicorp Ltd. ("Credicorp") (NYSE: BAP | BVL: BAP), the leading financial services holding company in Peru with a presence in Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, and Panama, announced today that its subsidiary Credicorp Capital S.A. Sociedad Administradora de Fondos ("Credicorp Capital"), has notified its clients that it has offered to purchase 100% of the value of investments in the Credicorp Capital Factoring Dólares FMIV and Credicorp Capital Factoring Soles FMIV funds. These funds, which had exposure to assets managed by Sartor Administradora General de Fondos S.A. ("Sartor") in Chile, a third-party fund manager, were impacted by recent regulatory actions and alleged misconduct at Sartor.
To facilitate the purchase process, Credicorp Capital will execute participation transfer agreements through its affiliate Atlantic Security Holding Corporation (ASHC), covering up to US$125.3 million in investment value. As a result, Credicorp Capital (directly or through its affiliate) would assume creditor status with respect to Sartor, pursuing legal actions to recover funds and holding those responsible accountable. Credicorp expects to partially recover these funds and will be providing updates as they become available.
As publicly disclosed, the Chilean Financial Market Commission (CMF) recently ordered the suspension of contributions, as well as redemptions and payments, of all funds managed by Sartor, which included the Credicorp Capital Factoring Soles FMIV and Credicorp Capital Factoring Dólares FMIV funds. Following a complaint filed by Credicorp Capital, the CMF issued a resolution on December 20, 2024, by which it (i) revoked Sartor's authorization to operate, and (ii) ordered the liquidation of all funds under Sartor's management.
In response to this situation, Credicorp Capital has committed to acquiring through ASHC the value of the investment units from its clients within 45 days. This move seeks to ensure that clients will not bear the uncertainty of the liquidation process of Sartor-managed funds, which was mandated by the CMF.
About Credicorp Ltd.
Credicorp Ltd. (NYSE: BAP) is the leading financial services holding company in Peru, with a diversified business portfolio organized into four primary lines of business: Universal Banking, through Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) and Banco de Crédito de Bolivia; Microfinance, through Mibanco in Peru and Colombia; Insurance and Pension Funds, through Grupo Pacifico and Prima AFP; and Investment Management and Advisory, through Credicorp Capital and ASB Bank Corp. Credicorp has a presence in Peru, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, and Panama.
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements, which include words such as "will", "would", "expects" and "seeks", are based on the current beliefs and expectations of Credicorp's management and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those projected. Credicorp Ltd. assumes no obligation to update these statements.
For more information, please refer to our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
IR Contact:
Investor Relations
Credicorp Ltd.
リマ、2024年12月30日 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ペルー、リマ、2024年12月30日 – クレディコープ株式会社("クレディコープ")(NYSE: BAP | BVL: BAP)は、チリ、コロンビア、ボリビア、パナマに展開するペルーの主要な金融サービス持株会社であると発表しました。子会社であるクレディコープキャピタルS.A.資産運用会社("クレディコープキャピタル")は、顧客に対して、クレディコープキャピタルファクタリングドルFMIVおよびクレディコープキャピタルファクタリングソレスFMIVファンドへの投資価値の100%を購入するオファーを行ったと通知しました。これらのファンドは、チリのサルトール総合資産運用会社("サルトール")が管理する資産にエクスポージャーを持っており、サルトールでの最近の規制上の措置や不正行為の申し立ての影響を受けました。
クレディコープ Ltd.
クレディコープ Ltd. (NYSE: BAP) は、ペルーにおける主要な金融サービス持株会社であり、ユニバーサルバンキング、BCP(ペルー信用銀行)およびボリビア信用銀行を通じた多様化されたビジネスポートフォリオを4つの主要なビジネスラインに整理しています。マイクロファイナンスは、ペルーとコロンビアのミバンコを通じて行われています。保険および年金ファンドは、グルーポ・パシフィコおよびプリマ AFPを通じて提供されています。投資管理およびアドバイザリーは、クレディコープキャピタルおよびASb銀行CORPを通じて行われています。クレディコープはペルー、チリ、コロンビア、ボリビア、パナマに拠点を持っています。
このプレスリリースには将来の見通しに関する声明が含まれています。これらの声明は、「将来」「期待」「探求」という言葉を含み、クレディコープの経営陣の現在の信念と期待に基づいており、リスクと不確実性にさらされています。実際の結果は予測された結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。クレディコープ Ltd. はこれらの声明を更新する義務を負いません。