XORTX to focus on late stage allopurinol intolerant gout program; discussion with FDA planned for first half 2025 regarding NDA filing
CALGARY, Alberta, Jan. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- XORTX Therapeutics Inc. ("XORTX" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: XRTX | TSXV: XRTX | Frankfurt: ANU), a late stage clinical pharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative therapies to treat progressive kidney disease, announces the launch of a new late stage program to treat gout. The new drug development program - XRx-026 - will focus on the treatment of individuals who have gout and are intolerant to allopurinol.
With the clinical development of XORLOTM 1 having advanced sufficiently, including completion of a pivotal program, XORTX is initiating discussions for the XRx-026 program with the US Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") regarding preparation of a New Drug Application ("NDA"). Pending FDA feedback, the Company will also seek FDA orphan drug designation ("ODD") and NDA marketing approval for the XRx-026 program. Previously, oxypurinol was granted ODD for allopurinol intolerant gout.
Dr. Allen Davidoff commented, "Oxypurinol has been demonstrated to be safe and effective in clinical studies focused on the treatment of individuals with gout who are intolerant to allopurinol. Intolerance to allopurinol remains an important issue for many patients and physicians and the XRx-026 program has demonstrated the potential to address this unmet medical need. XORTX will consult with the FDA during the first half of 2025, regarding requirements to file a NDA."
About Hyperuricemia, Gout and Health Consequences
The breakdown of nucleotides in the blood occurs through purine metabolism and results in the formation of uric acid by the xanthine oxidase enzyme. However, chronically high blood uric acid concentrations (hyperuricemia) have been associated with health consequences including gout, kidney stones, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and renal failure. Worldwide, approximately 14% of individuals have hyperuricemia and an estimated 1 to 2% have gout. Lowering blood levels of uric acid in gout patients is strongly correlated with improved health outcomes.
Addressable Gout Market Opportunity
In North America, approximately 3.5 million people suffer from gout due to elevated uric acid levels in blood. The therapeutic options to lower uric acid levels include three major classes of drugs: (i) oral uricosurics that are used to decrease the reabsorption of uric acid by the kidney; (ii) intravenous uricase enzymes that are used to metabolize uric acid in the blood for excretion; and (iii) oral xanthine oxidase inhibitors ("XOIs") that are used to inhibit the production of uric acid. XOIs are the preferred first-line treatment for gout. Allopurinol is the most commonly prescribed XOI, with approximately 3 million prescriptions written per year in North America, however 3 to 5% of patients cannot tolerate allopurinol. An alternative XOI, Febuxostat, launched in the US in 2009 with the hope of treating allopurinol intolerant patients, however while Febuxostat achieved peak sales of approximately US$450 million2, it now carries a Black Box warning due to its associated risk of sudden cardiovascular death and its use has declined significantly. This decline in Febuxostat use has created an opportunity for a novel XOI to address the underlying unmet medical need which the XRx-026 program aims to fill.
About XORTX Therapeutics Inc.
XORTX is a pharmaceutical company with three clinically advanced products in development: 1) our lead, XRx-008 program for ADPKD; 2) our XRx-026 program for the treatment of allopurinol intolerant gout; and 3) our secondary program in XRx-101 for acute kidney and other acute organ injury associated with Coronavirus / COVID-19 infection. In addition, XRx-225 is a pre-clinical stage program for Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy. XORTX is working to advance its clinical development stage products that target aberrant purine metabolism and xanthine oxidase to decrease or inhibit production of uric acid. At XORTX, we are dedicated to developing medications to improve the quality of life and health of kidney disease patients and individuals with gout. Additional information on XORTX is available at .
For more information, please contact:
Allen Davidoff, CEO | Nick Rigopulos, Director of Communications |
adavidoff@xortx.com or +1 403 455 7727 | nick@alpineequityadv.com or +1 617 901 0785 |
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Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains express or implied forward-looking statements pursuant to applicable securities laws. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the Company's beliefs, plans, goals, objectives, expectations, assumptions, estimates, intentions, future performance, other statements that are not historical facts and statements identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", "seeks", "estimates" or words of similar meaning. These forward-looking statements and their implications are based on the current expectations of the management of XORTX only, and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties, and other factors include, but are not limited to, our ability to obtain additional financing; the accuracy of our estimates regarding expenses, future revenues and capital requirements; the success and timing of our preclinical studies and clinical trials; the performance of third-party manufacturers and contract research organizations; our plans to develop and commercialize our product candidates; our plans to advance research in other kidney disease applications; and, our ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection for our product candidates. Except as otherwise required by applicable law and stock exchange rules, XORTX undertakes no obligation to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. More detailed information about the risks and uncertainties affecting XORTX is contained under the heading "Risk Factors" in XORTX's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC, which is available on the SEC's website, www.sec.gov (including any documents forming a part thereof or incorporated by reference therein), as well as in our reports, public disclosure documents and other filings with the securities commissions and other regulatory bodies in Canada, which are available on .
1 XORLOTM is XORTX's proprietary formulation of oxypurinol, that has granted US and EU patents.
2 Source: Takeda Pharmaceutical Company 2018 Annual Report.
カナダ、カルガリー、2025年1月6日(グローブ・ニュースワイヤー) - XORTXセラピューティクス社("XORTX"または"当社")(ナスダック:XRTX | TSXV:XRTX | フランクフルト:ANU)は、進行性腎疾患の治療のための革新的な治療法の開発に注力する後期臨床医薬品会社であり、痛風の治療のための新しい後期プログラムの開始を発表しました。新しい医薬品開発プログラム - XRx-026 - は、痛風を持ち、アロプリノールに不耐性のある個人の治療に焦点を当てます。
XORLOTm 1の臨床開発が十分に進展し、重要なプログラムの完了を含むため、XORTXは米国食品医薬品局("FDA")とのXRx-026プログラムに関する新薬申請("NDA")の準備のための協議を開始しています。FDAからのフィードバック次第では、当社はXRx-026プログラムに対するFDAのオーファンドラッグ指定("ODD")およびNDAのマーケティング承認も求める予定です。以前、オキシプリノールはアロプリノール不耐症の痛風に対してODDが付与されました。
北米では、約350万人が血中の尿酸濃度の上昇により痛風に苦しんでいます。尿酸レベルを下げるための治療の選択肢には、三つの主要な薬剤クラスが含まれます: (i) 腎臓による尿酸の再吸収を減少させるために使用される経口尿酸排泄促進剤; (ii) 尿酸を代謝し排泄するために血液中で使用される静脈内尿酸酵素; (iii) 尿酸の生成を阻害するために使用される経口キサンチンオキシダーゼ阻害剤("XOIs")。XOIsは痛風の第一選択の治療法として推奨されています。アロプリノールは最も一般的に処方されるXOIで、北米では毎年約300万件の処方が行われていますが、患者の3〜5%はアロプリノールを耐えられません。代替XOIとして、2009年にアロプリノール不耐性患者の治療を目的に米国で発売されたフェブキソスタットは、ピーク売上が約45000万米ドルに達しましたが、それは突然の心血管死の関連リスクがあるためブラックボックス警告を持ち、使用が著しく減少しました。フェブキソスタットの使用の減少は、XRx-026プログラムが満たそうとする基礎的な未充足医療ニーズに対応する新規XOIの機会を生み出しました。
XORTX is a pharmaceutical company with three clinically advanced products in development: 1) our lead, XRx-008 program for ADPKD; 2) our XRx-026 program for the treatment of allopurinol intolerant gout; and 3) our secondary program in XRx-101 for acute kidney and other acute organ injury associated with Coronavirus / COVID-19 infection. In addition, XRx-225 is a pre-clinical stage program for Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy. XORTX is working to advance its clinical development stage products that target aberrant purine metabolism and xanthine oxidase to decrease or inhibit production of uric acid. At XORTX, we are dedicated to developing medications to improve the quality of life and health of kidney disease patients and individuals with gout. Additional information on XORTX is available at .
Allen Davidoff, CEO | Nick Rigopulos、コミュニケーションディレクター |
adavidoff@xortx.com or +1 403 455 7727 | nick@alpineequityadv.com または +1 617 901 0785 |
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このプレスリリースには適用される証券法に基づく明示的または暗示的な将来予測に関する記述が含まれています。これらの将来予測には、会社の信念、計画、目標、目的、期待、仮定、推定、意図、将来の業績、歴史的事実ではないその他の記述、"期待する"、"予想する"、"意図する"、"計画する"、"信じる"、"求める"、"推定する" または類似の意味を持つ言葉で特定される記述が含まれます。これらの将来予測とその意味は、XORTXの経営陣の現在の期待に基づいており、実際の結果が将来予測で説明された内容と大きく異なる原因となる可能性のある多くの要因や不確実性の影響を受ける可能性があります。そのようなリスク、不確実性、その他の要因には、追加資金調達の能力、費用、将来の収益、資本要件に関する推定の正確性、前臨床研究および臨床試験の成功とタイミング、第三者製造業者および医薬品開発業務受託機関のパフォーマンス、製品候補の開発および商業化の計画、その他の腎疾患応用における研究の推進計画、製品候補の知的財産保護を取得し維持する能力などが含まれます。適用法および株式取引所の規則によって要求されない限り、XORTXはこれらの将来予測に対する修正を公に発表する義務を負わず、本日の日付以降のイベントや状況を反映するために発表または予期しないイベントの発生を反映するためには発表しません。XORTXに影響を与えるリスクと不確実性に関する詳細情報は、SECに提出されたXORTXの年次報告書の「リスク要因」という見出しの下に記載されており、SECのウェブサイトwww.sec.govで入手可能です(それに含まれる書類や参照として組み込まれる書類も含む)。また、カナダの証券委員会およびその他の規制当局に対する当社の報告書、公開開示文書、その他の提出資料にも利用可能です。
1 XORLOTmはXORTXの独自のオキシプリンクールのフォーミュラであり、米国およびEUの特許が付与されています。
2 出典:タケダファーマシューティカルズ2018年年次報告書。