Top Wall Street analysts changed their outlook on these top names. For a complete view of all analyst rating changes, including upgrades, downgrades and initiations, please see our analyst ratings page.
- Piper Sandler analyst Brent Bracelin upgraded the rating for Asana, Inc. (NYSE:ASAN) from Neutral to Overweight and raised the price target from $19 to $27. Asana shares closed at $20.61 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Barclays analyst David Strauss upgraded The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA) from Equal-Weight to Overweight and raised the price target from $190 to $210. Boeing shares closed at $169.90 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Leerink Partners analyst Michael Cherny upgraded Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (NYSE:DGX) from Market Perform to Outperform and raised the price target from $169 to $174. Quest Diagnostics shares closed at $151.92 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- RBC Capital analyst Jonathan Atkin upgraded the rating for AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) from Sector Perform to Outperform and boosted the price target from $22 to $26. AT&T shares closed at $22.67 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Benchmark analyst Michael Ward upgraded Lyft, Inc. (NASDAQ:LYFT) from Hold to Buy and maintained the price target of $20. Lyft shares closed at $14.27 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
Considering buying BA stock? Here's what analysts think:
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