RONKONKOMA, N.Y., Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SUNation Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNE), a leading provider of sustainable solar energy and backup power solutions for households, businesses, and municipalities, today announced that its Board of Directors has approved the inclusion of bitcoin (BTC) as an asset in the Company's treasury management program.
As part of this strategy, SUNation plans to allocate up to 30% of its excess cash, calculated based on its estimated six-month operating expenses, toward BTC purchases. This allocation will be subject to, among other factors, market conditions and the Company's operational requirements, including in support of its planned expansion strategy.
Strategic Diversification and Innovation
Bitcoin, recognized as a decentralized store of value, has been adopted to diversify the Company's treasury holdings, which are currently limited to U.S. dollars. Additionally, this initiative aligns with SUNation's goal to enable BTC as a payment option for its customers and suppliers as part of its core mission to make solar more accessible.
Scott Maskin, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of SUNation Energy, commented:
"We acknowledge the growing global acceptance of Bitcoin, which has been bolstered by substantial capital inflows in 2024. Across sectors, public and private companies, financial institutions, institutional investors, and even governments are integrating Bitcoin into their financial and commercial strategies as a hedge against inflation, macroeconomic instability, and geopolitical risks facing the global economy. We are excited to adopt this strategy which we believe will help position SUNation as a leader in the New Energy Economy."
Sustainable Energy for the Digital Economy
Mr. Maskin further noted:
"As a leader in sustainable solar energy, SUNation Energy is uniquely positioned to support the evolving, energy-intensive digital economy with more efficient, resilient, and sustainable energy solutions. By leveraging our ability to produce clean, green energy, we can help mitigate the environmental impact of owning digital currencies. Our BTC treasury strategy not only positions us as a forward-thinking company but also offers institutional investors an opportunity to gain BTC exposure per diluted share while supporting a sustainable energy future."
Expanding Sustainable Solutions in the Cryptocurrency Sector
Since 2003, SUNation has been designing, developing, and providing solar energy solutions tailored to customers in the information technology and technology sectors. The Company believes this BTC initiative further solidifies its role in supporting the new digital economy and its expanding energy needs in an environmentally conscious manner.
For more information about SUNation Energy and its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and growth, please visit
Additional details regarding SUNation's BTC treasury strategy can be found in the Company's Prospectus Supplement, as amended, to be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on or about January 7, 2025.
About SUNation Energy
Since 2003, SUNation Energy has provided design, engineering, installation, and O+M services for solar, battery storage, EV charging, and grid solutions to residential and commercial customers nationwide. Our largest markets include New York, Florida, and Hawaii, and operate in three (3) states. The company changed its name to SUNation Energy, from Pineapple Energy, in November 2024.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release includes certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on the Company's current expectations or beliefs and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. While the Company believes its plans, intentions, and expectations reflected in those forward-looking statements are reasonable, these plans, intentions, or expectations may not be achieved. For information about the factors that could cause such differences, please refer to the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, without limitation, the statements made under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and in subsequent filings. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, except as required by law.
Safe Harbor Statement
Our prospects here at SUNation Energy Inc. are subject to uncertainties and risks. This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934. The Company intends that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbor provided by the foregoing Sections. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations or forecasts of future events, can be affected by inaccurate assumptions, and are subject to various business risks and known and unknown uncertainties, a number of which are beyond the control of management. Therefore, actual results could differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this presentation. The Company cannot predict or determine after the fact what factors would cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements or other statements. The reader should consider statements that include the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "estimates", "plans", "projects", "should", or other expressions that are predictions of or indicate future events or trends, to be uncertain and forward-looking. We caution readers not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise. Additional information respecting factors that could materially affect the Company and its operations are contained in the Company's filings with the SEC which can be found on the SEC's website at
Scott Maskin
Chief Executive Officer
+1 (631) 823-7131
SUNation Energy Investor Relations
+1 (952) 996-1674
ロンクンコマ、ニューヨーク、2025年1月7日(グローブニュースワイヤー)-- SUNation Energy, Inc.(ナスダック:SUNE)は、家庭、ビジネス、及び地方自治体向けの持続可能な太陽光エネルギー及びバックアップ電源ソリューションの主要プロバイダーであり、本日、取締役会が会社の財務管理プログラムの資産としてビットコイン(BTC)を含めることを承認したことを発表しました。
スコット・マスキン、SUNation Energyの最高経営責任者兼創設者はコメントしました:
"ビットコインの受容が高まっていることを認識しています。これは2024年の大規模な資本流入によって強化されました。セクターを超えて、公的および私的企業、ファイナンシャルインスティテューションズ、機関投資家、さらには政府までもが、インフレ、マクロ経済の不安定性、そしてグローバル経済が直面している地政学的リスクへのヘッジとして、ビットコインを自身の財務および商業戦略に統合しています。この戦略を採用することに興奮しています。これはSUNationをNew Energy Economyのリーダーとして位置づけるのに役立つと信じています。"
持続可能な太陽光エネルギーのリーダーとして、SUNation Energyは、より効率的でレジスタンスかつ持続可能なエネルギーソリューションで進化するエネルギー集約型デジタル経済を支える独自の立場にあります。クリーンでグリーンなエネルギーを生産する能力を活用することで、デジタル通貨を所有することによる環境への影響を軽減する手助けができます。私たちのBTCの目論見書戦略は、前向きな企業としての位置づけを確立するだけでなく、機関投資家に対して希薄化後のシェアあたりのBTCエクスポージャーを得る機会を提供し、持続可能なエネルギーの未来を支援します。
SUNation Energyとその革新、持続可能性、成長へのコミットメントに関する詳しい情報は、をご覧ください。
2003年以降、SUNation Energyは全国の住宅および商業顧客向けに、太陽光、バッテリーストレージ、EV充電器、グリッドソリューションの設計、エンジニアリング、設置、O+mサービスを提供しています。主な市場はニューヨーク、フロリダ、ハワイで、3つの州で事業を展開しています。会社は2024年11月に、Pineapple EnergyからSUNation Energyに社名を変更しました。
SUNation Energy Inc.の見通しは不確実性やリスクの影響を受ける可能性があります。このニュースリリースには、1933年の証券法第27A条および1934年の証券法第21E条の意味における将来の見通しに関する記述が含まれています。当社は、これらの将来の見通しに関する記述が前述の条項によって提供されるセーフハーバーの対象となることを意図しています。これらの将来の見通しに関する記述は、将来の出来事の期待や予測に基づいており、不正確な仮定によって影響を受ける可能性があり、様々なビジネスリスクや既知および未知の不確実性にさらされています。その多くは経営陣の管理の及ばない範囲にあります。したがって、実際の結果は、このプレゼンテーションに含まれる将来の見通しに関する記述から大きく異なる可能性があります。会社は、実際の結果が、将来の見通しに関する記述やその他の記述によって示されるものと大きく異なる要因を後から予測することや判断することはできません。読み手は、"信じる"、"期待する"、"予測する"、"意図する"、"推定する"、"計画する"、"プロジェクトする"、"必要がある"、またはその他の将来の出来事やトレンドを予測または示唆する表現を含む記述を、不確実で将来の見通しに関するものであると考慮すべきです。我々は、読者がそのような将来の見通しに関する記述に過度に依存しないよう警告します。会社は、新しい情報、将来の出来事、その他の理由によって、将来の見通しに関する記述を公に更新または修正することはしません。会社およびその事業に重大な影響を与える可能性のある要因に関する追加情報は、SECのウェブサイト に掲載されている会社の申請書に含まれています。
+1 (631) 823-7131
+1 (952) 996-1674