Groundbreaking LUMOS II ILIM QCL-based IR microscope sets new standards in speed and resolution
BILLERICA, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$BRKR #BRKR--Bruker Corporation (Nasdaq: BRKR) today announced the launch of the LUMOS II ILIM, a quantum cascade laser (QCL) based infrared imaging microscope. The new LUMOS II ILIM redefines performance standards, enabling pharma and life science researchers to capture ultrafast IR images of expansive areas with enhanced spatial resolution.
The LUMOS II ILIM features a patented coherence reduction method for infrared laser imaging essentially free from artifacts in both transmission and reflection mode. With a very large field of view and complete automation, it allows for the rapid determination of chemical complexity in biological tissues.
Dr. Guillaume Mabilleau, Clinical Bone Pathologist at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Angers in France, stated: "I am impressed by the speed of this microscope for high quality infrared imaging of biological samples. The ease of operation and high throughput achieved with QCL technology is a game changer for clinical research. We are exploring the new perspectives this research tool opens for improving diagnosis and treatment of bone disease."
Using AI-powered data evaluation, LUMOS II ILIM workflows allow for discoveries in life science, pharma and disease research. Integration with Bruker's MALDI Imaging methods enable multimodal imaging to characterize tissues with enhanced analytical depth. The LUMOS II ILIM can also be used for rapid pharmaceutical tablet inspection and particle identification, including automated sampling. Users can harness a Python interface to adapt the LUMOS II ILIM to specific requirements and custom workflows. To learn more about LUMOS II ILIM, please visit: .
About Bruker Corporation – Leader of the Post-Genomic Era (Nasdaq: BRKR)
Bruker is enabling scientists and engineers to make breakthrough post-genomic discoveries and develop new applications that improve the quality of human life. Bruker's high performance scientific instruments and high value analytical and diagnostic solutions enable scientists to explore life and materials at molecular, cellular, and microscopic levels. In close cooperation with our customers, Bruker is enabling innovation, improved productivity, and customer success in post-genomic life science molecular and cell biology research, in applied and biopharma applications, in microscopy and nanoanalysis, as well as in industrial and cleantech research, and next-gen semiconductor metrology in support of AI. Bruker offers differentiated, high-value life science and diagnostics systems and solutions in preclinical imaging, clinical phenomics research, proteomics and multiomics, spatial and single-cell biology, functional structural and condensate biology, as well as in clinical microbiology and molecular diagnostics. For more information, please visit .
Contacts Investor Contact:
Joe Kostka
Director, Investor Relations
Bruker Corporation
T: +1 (978) 313-5800
Media Contact:
Natalie Spahl
Head of Global Marketing
Bruker Optics Division
T: +49 173 9662425
革新的なLUMOS II ILIm QCLベースのIR顕微鏡は、速度と解像度の新しい基準を打ち立てる
マサチューセッツ州ビレリカ--(ビジネスワイヤ)--$BRKR #BRKR--Bruker Corporation (ナスダック: BRKR) は、本日、量子カスケードレーザー (QCL) ベースの赤外線イメージング顕微鏡LUMOS II ILImの発売を発表しました。新しいLUMOS II ILImは、パフォーマンス基準を再定義し、医薬品やライフサイエンスの研究者が広範な領域の超高速IR画像を高い空間解像度でキャプチャできるようにします。
LUMOS II ILImは、伝送および反射モードの両方でアーティファクトがほとんどない赤外線レーザーイメージングのための特許取得済みのコヒーレンス削減方法を特徴としています。非常に広い視野と完全な自動化を備えており、生体組織における化学的な複雑性の迅速な決定を可能にします。
AI駆動のデータ評価を利用したLUMOS II ILImのワークフローは、ライフサイエンス、医薬品、疾患研究における発見を可能にします。BrukerのMALDIイメージング手法との統合により、分析の深さを強化した組織の特性評価を行うための多モードイメージングが可能です。LUMOS II ILImは、迅速な医薬品錠剤検査や粒子識別にも使用でき、自動サンプリングも行えます。ユーザーはPythonインターフェースを活用してLUMOS II ILImを特定の要件やカスタムワークフローに適応できます。LUMOS II ILImについて詳しくは、をご覧ください。
ブルカー社について - ポストゲノム時代のリーダー(ナスダック:BRKR)
T: +1 (978) 313-5800
電話: +49 173 9662425