More house hunters are hitting the pavement as the new year starts, but pending home sales are down as daily average mortgage rates hit a seven-month high
SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(NASDAQ: RDFN)—More house hunters are starting their home search as the new year kicks off, according to a new report from Redfin (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage. Redfin's Homebuyer Demand Index—a seasonally adjusted measure of tours and other buying services from Redfin agents—posted a small 2% increase from a month earlier during the week ending January 5, and it's also up 2% year over year.
There are several reasons a few more buyers are out there: Some have accepted high mortgage rates; daily average rates hit a seven-month high this week and they're unlikely to decline significantly soon. Some are jumping into the market now that the holidays have passed and a new year has begun, and some are taking advantage of the fact that there are more homes on the market than there have been over the last few years.
"Three of the four offers my clients have made in the last week have competed against other offers with competitive terms, like waiving all contingencies and releasing earnest money early. Some homes are getting multiple offers within 24 hours of hitting the market," said Emily Lam, a Redfin Premier agent in the Seattle area. "Some buyers are getting serious about their search because they've come to terms with 7% rates and they're worried that if they wait longer, home prices will just keep rising. Others are starting their search in hopes that rates will decline soon. Either way, I'm advising buyers to get serious now because desirable listings will get more competitive as the year goes on."
Nationwide, the small increase in tours hasn't yet translated to an uptick in sales. Pending home sales fell 3.1% from a year earlier during the four weeks ending January 5, though that decline may be artificially large because Redfin is comparing it to a period last year when mortgage rates posted a big drop, bringing a surge in demand.
On the selling side, new listings are down 2.5%, the biggest decline in over a year. But for the reason noted above, that drop may appear larger than it actually is. Redfin will keep a close eye on pending sales and new listings over the next few weeks to determine whether more home tours eventually turn into more home sales, and whether more sellers start listing their homes as we get settled into 2025.
For Redfin economists' takes on the housing market, please visit Redfin's "From Our Economists" page.
Leading indicators |
Indicators of homebuying demand and activity |
| Value (if applicable) | Recent change | Year-over-year change | Source |
Daily average 30-year fixed mortgage rate | 7.17% (Jan. 8) | Highest level since May | Up from 6.75% | Mortgage News Daily |
Weekly average 30-year fixed mortgage rate | 6.91% (week ending Jan. 2) | Highest level since July | Up from 6.61% | Freddie Mac |
Mortgage-purchase applications (seasonally adjusted) | | Down 7% from 1 week earlier (as of week ending Jan. 3 ) | Down 15% | Mortgage Bankers Association |
Redfin Homebuyer Demand Index (seasonally adjusted) | | Up 2% from a month earlier (as of week ending Jan. 5) | Up 2% | Redfin Homebuyer Demand Index, a measure of tours and other homebuying services from Redfin agents |
Google searches for "home for sale" | | Up 29% from a month earlier (as of Jan. 6) | Down 8% | Google Trends |
Key housing-market data |
U.S. highlights: Four weeks ending Jan. 5, 2025 Redfin's national metrics include data from 400+ U.S. metro areas, and is based on homes listed and/or sold during the period. Weekly housing-market data goes back through 2015. Subject to revision. |
| Four weeks ending Jan. 5, 2025 | Year-over-year change | Notes |
Median sale price | $379,988 | 5.5% | |
Median asking price | $374,975 | 4.5% | |
Median monthly mortgage payment | $2,525 at a 6.91% mortgage rate | 6.7% | |
Pending sales | 50,445 | -3.1% | Biggest decline since September |
New listings | 44,519 | -2.5% | Biggest decline in over a year |
Active listings | 892,364 | 10.6% | |
Months of supply | 4.3 | +0.3 pts. | 4 to 5 months of supply is considered balanced, with a lower number indicating seller's market conditions. |
Share of homes off market in two weeks | 22.5% | Down from 23% | |
Median days on market | 49 | +6 days | |
Share of homes sold above list price | 22.1% | Down from 24% | |
Average sale-to-list price ratio | 98.2% | Essentially unchanged | |
Metro-level highlights: Four weeks ending Jan. 5, 2025 Redfin's metro-level data includes the 50 most populous U.S. metros. Select metros may be excluded from time to time to ensure data accuracy. |
| Metros with biggest year-over-year increases | Metros with biggest year-over-year decreases | Notes |
Median sale price | Milwaukee (19.5%) Cleveland (17.1%) Warren, MI (13.6%) Philadelphia (13.5%) Nassau County, NY (11%) | Austin, TX (-1%) | Declined in 1 metro |
Pending sales | Anaheim, CA (10%) Cincinnati (7.7%) San Jose, CA (7%) Portland, OR (3.1%) Montgomery County, PA (2.7%) | Orlando, FL (-13.5%) Houston (-12.3%) Fort Lauderdale, FL (-11.4%) Miami (-11%) Nashville, TN (-10.5%) | Increased in 9 metros |
New listings | Washington, D.C. (9.4%) Phoenix (9.2%) Virginia Beach, VA (7.2%) Miami (6.6%) Las Vegas (6%) | Newark, NJ (-23.6%) Detroit (-20.8%) Warren, MI (-19.7%) Austin, TX (-18.1%) San Antonio (-17.9%) | Increased in 13 metros |
To view the full report, including charts, please visit:
About Redfin
Redfin () is a technology-powered real estate company. We help people find a place to live with brokerage, rentals, lending, and title insurance services. We run the country's #1 real estate brokerage site. Our customers can save thousands in fees while working with a top agent. Our home-buying customers see homes first with on-demand tours, and our lending and title services help them close quickly. Our rentals business empowers millions nationwide to find apartments and houses for rent. Since launching in 2006, we've saved customers more than $1.6 billion in commissions. We serve approximately 100 markets across the U.S. and Canada and employ over 4,000 people.
Redfin's subsidiaries and affiliated brands include: Bay Equity Home Loans, Rent., Apartment Guide, Title Forward and WalkScore.
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Redfin Journalist Services:
Tana Kelley
シアトル--(ビジネスワイヤ)--(ナスダック: RDFN)--新年が始まるにあたり、より多くの住宅購入者が自宅の検索を始めているとのレッドフィン(からの新しい報告に基づいています。レッドフィンの住宅購入者需要指数は、レッドフィンのエージェントによるツアーおよびその他の購入サービスの季節調整後の指標であり、1月5日に終わる週で前月比2%の小さな増加を記録し、前年同期比でも2%の増加となっています。
売り手側では、新規出 listings が 2.5% 減少しており、これは 1 年以上で最大の減少です。しかし、上記の理由から、その減少は実際よりも大きく見えるかもしれません。レッドフィンは、今後数週間、保留中の販売と新規出 listings に注意を払います。これにより、より多くの物件見学が最終的により多くの住宅販売につながるか、そして 2025 年に入ってより多くの売り手が自宅を出 listings し始めるかを判断します。
Redfinのエコノミストが住宅市場について述べた意見を知りたい場合は、Redfinの「From Our Economists」ページをご覧ください。
先行指標 |
住宅購入の需要と活動の指標 |
| 値(該当する場合) | 最近の変更 | 前年同期比の変化 | ソース |
日次平均30年固定住宅ローン金利 | 7.17%(1月8日) | 5月以来の最高水準 | 6.75%から上昇 | Mortgage News Daily |
週平均30年固定モーゲージ金利 | 6.91%(1月2日終了の週) | 7月以来の最高水準 | 6.61%から上昇 | フreddie Mac |
(季節調整済み)住宅ローン申請 | | 1週間前から7%下落(1月3日終了の週まで) | 15%下落 | モーゲージバンカーズ協会 |
レッドフィンのホームバイヤーデマンド指数(季節調整) | | 1ヶ月前から2%上昇(1月5日終了の週まで) | 2%の上昇 | レッドフィンの不動産エージェントによるツアーやその他の不動産購入サービスの指標であるレッドフィンのホームバイヤー需要指標 |
「販売中の住宅」を検索するGoogle検索 | | 1月6日現在、前月比29%の上昇 | 8%の減少 | Googleトレンド |
重要な住宅市場のデータ |
米国のハイライト: 2025年1月5日までの4週間 Redfinの全国データは、400以上のアメリカの都市圏からのデータを含み、その期間にリストされたおよび/または販売された家に基づいています。週次の住宅市場データは、2015年以降まで遡ります。改定の対象となります。 |
| 2025年1月5日までの4週間 | 前年同期比の変化 | ノート |
中央値販売価格 | $379,988 | 5.5% | |
中央値の要請価格 | $374,975 | 4.5% | |
中央値の月次住宅ローン返済額 | $2,525、6.91%の住宅ローン金利で | 6.7% | |
保留中の販売 | 50,445 | -3.1% | 9月以来の最大の下落 |
新しいリスト | 44,519 | -2.5% | 1年以上ぶりの最大の下落 |
アクティブリスティング | 892,364 | 10.6% | |
供給月数 | 4.3 | +0.3 ポイント. | 供給が4か月から5か月の場合はバランスが取れていると見なされ、数字が少ないほど売り手市場の状況を示します。 |
2週間以内に取り下げられた住宅のシェア | 22.5% | 23%から下降 | |
市場に出ている中央値の日数 | 49 | +6日 | |
リスト価格を超えて売れた住宅のシェア | 22.1% | 24%から減少 | |
平均販売価格対リスト価格比率 | 98.2% | 基本的に変わらず | |
メトロレベルのハイライト: 2025年1月5日までの4週間 Redfinのメトロエリアのデータには、アメリカ合衆国で最も人口の多い50の都市圏が含まれています。データの正確性を確保するため、一部の都市圏が時折除外される場合があります。 |
| 前年同期比で最も増加したメトロ | 前年同期比で最も減少したメトロ | ノート |
中央値販売価格 | ミルウォーキー (19.5%) クリーブランド (17.1%) ウォーレン, MI (13.6%) フィラデルフィア (13.5%) ナッサウ郡, NY (11%) | オースティン, TX (-1%) | 1つのメトロで減少した |
保留中の販売 | アナハイム, CA (10%) シンシナティ (7.7%) サンノゼ, CA (7%) ポートランド, OR (3.1%) モンゴメリー郡, PA (2.7%) | オーランド, FL (-13.5%) ヒューストン (-12.3%) フォートローダーデール, FL (-11.4%) マイアミ (-11%) ナッシュビル, TN (-10.5%) | 9のメトロでの増加 |
新しいリスト | ワシントンD.C.(9.4%) フェニックス(9.2%) バージニアビーチ、VA(7.2%) マイアミ(6.6%) ラスベガス(6%) | ニューアーク、NJ(-23.6%) デトロイト(-20.8%) ウォーレン(MI)(-19.7%) オースティン(TX)(-18.1%) サンアントニオ(-17.9%) | 13のメトロで増加 |
Redfinの子会社および関連ブランドには、Bay Equity Home Loans、Rent.、Apartment Guide、Title Forward、およびWalkScoreが含まれます。