DJ Tristar Acquisition I Corp., Lamar Partnering Corp. File for IPOs -- SPAC Tracker
SPAC Tracker is a weekly feature highlighting some of the special purpose acquisition companies, also known as blank-check companies, which have filed for initial public offerings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission during the past week.
Tristar Acquisition I Corp.
Tristar Acquisition I Corp. filed for a $250 million initial public offering on April 2 and said it intends to apply to list its units on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol 'TRIS.U.'
The company said its sponsor, Tristar Holdings I LLC, "has secured financial commitment from an affiliate of Navigation Capital Partners LLC."
The current principals of Navigation Capital were sponsors of Pensare Acquisition Corp., a blank-check company that completed a business combination last year, Tristar Acquisition said. The combined company, American Virtual Cloud Technologies, lists its shares on the Nasdaq.
Tristar Acquisition said Navigation Capital also invested in the sponsor groups of several other special purpose acquisition companies.
The company also said, "we intend to focus our search for a target business in the telecommunications and technology oriented sector."
Black Dragon Acquisition Corp. I
Black Dragon Acquisition Corp. I filed for a $250 million IPO on April 2.
The company said its sponsor, Black Dragon Capital Holdings I LLC, is an affiliate of private investment firm Black Dragon Capital Investment Management LLC.
The company also said, "we intend to capitalize on the ability of our management team and sponsor to identify, acquire and manage a business in the e-Commerce, sports and media technology, or payments and financial technology sectors."
EG Acquisition Corp.
EG Acquisition Corp. filed for a $250 million IPO on Monday, and said it applied to list its units on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "EGGFU."
The company said its sponsor, EG Sponsor LLC, is affiliated with global investment firm EnTrust Global.
EG Acquisition also said that Gary Fegel, founder of investment firm GMF Capital, has agreed to serve as chairman.
"We expect that EnTrust Global's extensive experience in raising capital and sourcing, evaluating and executing a variety of transactions will be a valuable asset for us," EG Acquisition said. It also said there are certain sectors it believes are particularly complemented by the expertise and relationships of EnTrust Global and GMF Capital, including "transportation and real assets, financial services, financial services technology, healthcare, real estate, and sustainability-focused businesses."
Lamar Partnering Corp.
Lamar Partnering Corp. filed for a $300 million IPO on Tuesday.
The company said its sponsor, Lamar Partnering Sponsor LLC, is a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Lamar Advertising Co.
The company also said, "we intend to capitalize on the experience and skills of our management team and sponsor" by focusing its search for an acquisition on digital media, advertising technology, international advertising, and distributed energy and wireless communications infrastructure.
Lamar Partnering Corp. said it intends to apply to list its units on the Nasdaq under the symbol "LPCXU."
ION Acquisition Corp 3 Ltd.
ION Acquisition Corp 3 Ltd. filed for a $250 million IPO on Tuesday.
The company said its sponsor, ION Holdings 3 LP, is an affiliate of Israel-based investment management group ON Asset Management.
The company also said, "We intend to focus on the rapidly growing universe of Israeli companies and entrepreneurs that apply technology and innovation to everyday lives."
ION Acquisition Corp 3 Ltd. said members of its management team led blank-check companies ION Acquisition Corp 1 Ltd. and ION Acquisition Corp 2 Ltd. in their initial public offerings. Ltd. in January said it would go public via a merger with ION Acquisition Corp 1 Ltd.
Innovatus Life Sciences Acquisition Corp.
Innovatus Life Sciences Acquisition Corp. filed for a $175 million IPO on Tuesday.
The company said it planned to offer 17.5 million shares of stock at $10 per share, adding that investors in the offering won't receive any warrants, which are commonly offered in the IPOs of special purpose acquisition companies.
Innovatus Life Sciences Acquisition Corp. said it plans to initially focus its search on "identifying a prospective target business in the life sciences sector."
The company said its chairman and chief executive, David Schiff, is a founding partner of Innovatus Capital Partners LLC, "a New York-based registered investment adviser and portfolio management firm with over $1.6 billion in capital under management as of Dec. 31, 2019."
The company also said, "We believe the extensive relationship network of our management team and from our affiliation with Innovatus Capital, combined with our operating, investing, capital markets and transaction experience, provide us with a competitive advantage."
International Media Acquisition Corp.
International Media Acquisition Corp. filed for a $200 million IPO on Wednesday.
The company said, "we intend to pursue targets in North America, Europe and Asia in the media and entertainment industry," and added, "we intend to focus specifically on companies that are positioned to benefit directly from the growth of digitally available content."
The company also said, "we believe India and other emerging economic markets, as well as China, represent excellent markets in which to find strong candidates for our initial business combination because of their relatively high growth rates."
Clover Leaf Capital Corp.
Clover Leaf Capital Corp. filed for a $125 million IPO on Wednesday.
The company said, "we intend to focus our search on businesses in the cannabis industry that are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations within the jurisdictions in which they are located or operate."
The company also said, "The new regulatory landscape of cannabis has created a new legalized industry, for both the medical and recreational use of cannabinoid products."
Clover Leaf Capital said its sponsor, Yntegra Capital Investments LLC, is an affiliate of Yntegra Capital Management LLC. "Yntegra Capital Management LLC has common ownership with a portfolio of companies that includes cannabis and real estate investments, among others," Clover Leaf Capital said.
Tetragon Acquisition Corporation I
Tetragon Acquisition Corporation I filed for a $500 million IPO on Thursday, and said it intends to apply to list its units on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol "TACQU."
The company said its sponsor, TFG Asset Management Sponsor LLC, is an affiliate of TFG Asset Management, Tetragon Financial Group Ltd.'s diversified alternative asset manager.
The company also said, "we currently intend to concentrate our efforts on the alternative asset management industry: firms managing public and private funds, including private equity, buyout, venture and growth capital and credit funds and accounts."
--Write to Stephen Nakrosis at
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
April 09, 2021 14:00 ET (18:00 GMT)
Copyright (c) 2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
SPAC Trackerは、過去1週間に米国証券取引委員会に新規株式公開を申請した特別目的買収会社(ブランクチェック会社とも呼ばれる)の一部を紹介する週刊特集です。
Tristar Acquisition I Corp. は、4月2日に2億5000万ドルの新規株式公開を申請し、ニューヨーク証券取引所に「TRIS.U」のシンボルで上場することを申請する予定であると述べました。
同社は、スポンサーのトライスター・ホールディングスI LLCが「ナビゲーション・キャピタル・パートナーズLLCの関連会社から金銭的コミットメントを確保した」と述べています。
同社によると、スポンサーのブラック・ドラゴン・キャピタル・ホールディングスI LLCは、民間投資会社のブラック・ドラゴン・キャピタル・インベストメント・マネジメントLLCの関連会社です。
EG Acquisition Corp. は月曜日に2億5000万ドルのIPOを申請し、ニューヨーク証券取引所に「EGGFU」のシンボルでユニットを上場することを申請したと言いました。
同社によれば、スポンサーであるEG Sponsor LLCは、グローバルな投資会社EnTrust Globalと提携しているとのことです。
EG Acquisitionは、投資会社GMFキャピタルの創設者であるゲイリー・フェーゲルが会長を務めることに同意したとも述べています。
「資金調達、調達、さまざまな取引の評価と実行におけるEnTrust Globalの豊富な経験は、私たちにとって貴重な資産になると期待しています」とEG Acquisitionは述べています。また、「輸送と実物資産、金融サービス、金融サービステクノロジー、ヘルスケア、不動産、持続可能性に焦点を当てたビジネス」など、EnTrust GlobalとGMFキャピタルの専門知識と関係によって特に補完されると考えられる特定の分野があるとも述べています。
同社によれば、スポンサーのION Holdings 3 LPは、イスラエルに本拠を置く投資管理グループON Asset Managementの関連会社です。
イオン・アクイジション・コーポレーション・スリー・リミテッドは、その経営陣のメンバーがブランクチェック会社のイオン・アクイジション・コーポレーション・ワン・リミテッドとイオン・アクイジション・コーポレーション・ツー・リミテッドを率いて、新規株式公開を行ったと言いました。 Ltd. は1月に、イオン・アクイジション・コーポレーション・ワン株式会社との合併により上場すると発表しました。
Innovatus Life Sciences Acquisition Corp. は、最初は「ライフサイエンス分野における将来のターゲットビジネスの特定」に検索を集中させる予定であると述べました。
同社によれば、会長兼最高経営責任者のデビッド・シフは、「2019年12月31日現在、16億ドル以上の資本を管理しているニューヨークを拠点とする登録投資顧問兼ポートフォリオ管理会社」であるInnovatus Capital Partners LLCの創設パートナーです。
同社はまた、「経営陣とInnovatus Capitalとの提携による広範なリレーションシップネットワークが、運営、投資、資本市場、取引の経験と相まって、私たちに競争上の優位性をもたらすと信じています」とも述べています。
--スティーブン・ナクロシスに で手紙を書いてください
(END) ダウ・ジョーンズ・ニュースワイヤー
著作権 (c) 2021 ダウ・ジョーンズ・アンド・カンパニー株式会社