Steve Cohen, Board Member
BEVERLY HILLS, CA, March 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NewMediaWire -- R-Three Technologies, Inc. (OTCMKTS: RRRT) (R3T) has appointed three new board members. Effective immediately, notable entrepreneurs and community leaders Steve Cohen, Marcia Dyson and Aaron Anderson will join the board of the publicly traded company.
"As the company continues to grow, we are pleased to announce three new board members who bring a variety of experience in entrepreneurship, food and beverage, financial services and communications," said William Benson, CEO of R3T. "We are looking forward to the value and insight this diverse and talented group of leaders will bring to our corporate board as we continue to build upon our 2022 strategy."
The three new board members are celebrated in their various industries. Steve Cohen joins the board as a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in information technology and capital markets. Cohen played a crucial role in the development of National Stock Exchange prior to its sale to the NYSE/ICE in 2017. Marcia Dyson is one of America's most respected civic-social activists and communications specialists. She is the President of Marcia L. Dyson Public Relations, an exclusive national and international consultancy in matters of business development, marketing, political strategies and social responsibility. Aaron Anderson, who also joins the board, is an entrepreneur with a strong food and beverage background as an owner of multiple Rita's Italian Ice restaurants and three Big Rube's Kitchen in partnership with Chef Big Rube.
R3T recently created three new divisions including Media & Entertainment, Health & Wellness and Technology following the early February announcement of Benson as CEO. Each division strategically supports our overall strategy for achieving cost-effective marketing campaigns and accessible point of purchase opportunities for their wellness products.
About Steve Cohen
Cohen has worked across a myriad of industry verticals including financial services, exchange (SRO), banking, real estate, healthcare and telecom. Cohen started his career as an Engineer for ATT, where his team built its flagship national consumer and business broadband service. After leaving ATT, he formed a consulting company that provided program management services for real estate construction managers and major hospital systems in the New York metro area. In 2012, he founded Wall Street Trading, an equities trading consulting practice, that developed direct market access (DMA) equity and derivatives trading product solutions for global financial services companies, hedge funds and family offices. Cohen currently serves in various advisory roles in both traditional markets and digital assets including AlphaSigma Capital, Aquilon.io and Fundamental Interactions. Cohen also serves as a Special Advisor to the Lewin Fund to Fight Women's Cancers supporting community outreach programs.
About Marcia Dyson
Marcia L. Dyson is one of America's most respected civic-social activists and communication specialist. Dyson is the founder of Women's Global Institute (WGI), a for-profit entity to enhance the lives of women via "profitable and purposeful social engagement." Dyson is the CEO of Marcia L. Dyson, Public Relations, LLC, an international marketing company serving world leaders, Fortune 500 companies, social justice and humanitarian organizations.
Dyson was the first chief of staff for Rev. Jesse Jackson's International Trade Bureau and former Public Information Officer for the City of Chicago's Special Events department. During her tenure she helped garner $1.4 billion for the city's coffers.
Dyson is an advisory board member for The Parent Company (TPCO Holding Corp), whose CVO is Jay-Z; a board member of Bambu Fund, a frontier investment established to development of climate-resilient facilities for health, wellness, senior, assisted living in the Latin American Caribbean (LAC) region. She is senior advisor and public relations lead for CreditRichApp (founded by Angel Rich and who partnered with Experian) whose valuation is currently $1.5 billion.
Dyson served as a board member of the House of Mandela Family Foundation, and consultant to the Clinton Foundation. She is a board member of Coalition of Hope (COH), a first disaster relief organization comprised of retired and active global military and non-profits. Vetted by the State and Defense departments, COH helped rescue Americans and Afghanistan citizens during the crisis this past summer.
All of her work affords Dyson the opportunity to address the interlocking and converging interests and issues that define her vocation: gender inequality and oppression, economic, just governance, political inequity, moral marketing and branding, and local, national, and international affairs.
About Aaron Anderson
Aaron Anderson is an entrepreneur, investor, community advocate and motivational speaker. As the owner of multiple restaurants throughout Pennsylvania and New York, Anderson also launched Union Printing, which he opened in 2009. He also launched three Big Rube's Kitchen ghost restaurants in partnership with Chef Big Rube. Anderson's keen interest in technology prompted him to become an investor in pharmaceutical application QwikScript, flight simulator application Flype, and Storehouse - a cannabis chain in New Jersey.
About R-Three Technologies, Inc.
R-Three Technologies is an early-stage development company with a success-driven board focused on carefully pursuing several ventures it believes show tremendous potential in developing and manufacturing food and drink products. The company is currently pursuing their options with a successful juice company within the beverage industry to formulate consumer products for large-scale distribution.
For Information, contact: info@r3tgroup.com
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes several forward-looking statements that reflect Management's current views with respect to future events and financial performance. You can identify these statements by words such as "may", "will", "expect", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", and "continue" or similar words. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of us and members of our management team as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risk and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forwarding-look statements. Readers are urged to carefully review and consider the various disclosures made by us in this press release and our filings as posted on the OTC Markets. Important factors currently known to Management could cause actual results to differ.
カリフォルニア州ベフリー山、2022年3月22日(ユニバーサル通信社)=ViaNewMediaWire-R-Three Technologies,Inc.(OTCMKTS:RRRT)(R 3 T)は、3人の新しい取締役会メンバーを任命した。著名な起業家やコミュニティリーダーのスティーブ·コーエン、マルシア·ダイソン、アーロン·アンダーソンが直ちにこの上場企業の取締役会に参加する
R 3 Tのウィリアム·ベンソン最高経営責任者は、“会社の持続的な発展に伴い、私たちは3人の新しい取締役会メンバーを発表し、創業、食品、飲料、金融サービス、通信の様々な経験をもたらした。私たちが2022年戦略を推進し続けるにつれて、この多様で才能のある指導者グループが私たちの会社の取締役会に価値と洞察力をもたらすことを期待しています
この3人の新しい取締役会のメンバーはそれぞれの業界で賞賛されている。スティーブ·コーエンは経験豊富な起業家として取締役会に参加し、情報技術や資本市場で20年以上の経験を持っている。2017年にニューヨーク証券取引所/大陸間取引所に売却される前に、コーエンは国家証券取引所の発展において重要な役割を果たしていた。マルシア·ダイソンはアメリカで最も尊敬されている市民社会活動家と伝播専門家の一人です。彼女はMarcia L.Dyson公共関係会社の社長で、同社は国内と国際独占コンサルティング会社で、商業発展、マーケティング、政治戦略と社会責任などの事務に関連している。Aaron Andersonも取締役会に参加し、強力な食品·飲料背景を持つ企業家であり、複数のリタイタリアンアイスレストランと3つのBig Rube‘s Kitchenを持ち、シェフBig Rubeと協力している
2月初めにベンソンがCEOを務めることを発表した後、R 3 Tは最近、メディアと娯楽部門、健康と健康部門、技術部門を含む3つの新しい部門を設立した。各部門は戦略的に私たちの全体戦略を支持し、彼らの健康製品のために費用効果のあるマーケティング活動と獲得可能な購入ポイント機会を実現する
コーエンは金融サービス、取引所(SRO)、銀行、不動産、医療保健と電気通信など多くの業界の垂直分野で働いたことがある。コーエンのキャリアはATTのエンジニアから始まり、彼のチームはそこに旗艦の全国消費者と商業ブロードバンドサービスを構築した。ATTを離れた後、彼はコンサルティング会社を設立し、ニューヨークの大部分市街地の不動産建設マネージャーと主要病院システムにプロジェクト管理サービスを提供した。2012年、株式取引コンサルティング会社Wall Street Tradingを設立し、グローバル金融サービス会社、ヘッジファンド、家族理財室のために直接市場参入(DMA)株とデリバティブ取引製品ソリューションを開発した。コーエンは現在、AlphaSigma Capital、Aquilon.ioと基本相互作用会社を含む伝統市場とデジタル資産の面で各種の顧問職を担当している。コーエンはレヴィンの女性がん対策基金の特別顧問も務め、地域外展計画を支援している
マルシア·L·ダイソンはアメリカで最も尊敬されている市民社会活動家と伝播専門家の一人だ。ダイソンは女性グローバル研究所(WGI)の創始者で、“利益があり、目的のある社会参加”によって女性の生活を改善することを目的とした営利団体である。ダイソンはMarcia L.Dyson公共関係有限責任会社の最高経営責任者であり、同社は国際マーケティング会社であり、世界の指導者、富500強会社、社会正義と人道主義組織にサービスを提供する。
ダイソンは親会社(TPCO Holding Corp)の顧問委員会メンバーであり、そのCVOはJay-Z;バンブ基金(Bambu Fund)の取締役会メンバーであり、この基金はラテンアメリカカリブ(LAC)地区の健康、健康、老人と生活発展気候適応性施設を補助するための先端投資である。彼女はCreditRichAppの上級コンサルタントと広報担当で、CreditRichAppはAngel Richによって設立され、Experianと協力し、現在15億ドルと推定されている
アーロン·アンダーソンは起業家、投資家、コミュニティ提唱者、奨励演説家です。アンダーソンはペンシルバニア州やニューヨークの複数のレストランの所有者としてUnion Printも発売し、2009年にオープンした。彼はまた、ダルーブのコックと協力して、大ルーブ台所の幽霊レストランを三つ設立した。アンダーソンの技術への深い興味は、製薬アプリケーションQwikScript、飛行シミュレータアプリケーションFlype、ニュージャージー州大麻チェーンStorehouseの投資家になった
R−Three Technologiesは初期開発段階にある会社であり,取締役会は成功を志向し,食品や飲料製品の開発·製造に大きな潜在力を示すと考えられるいくつかのプロジェクトを慎重に展開している。同社は現在、飲料業界内の成功したジュース会社と協力して、大規模な流通消費財を制定することを求めている。
必要な情報があれば、連絡してくださいメール:info@r 3 tGroup.com