The stock market showed caution with a slightly declining S&P 500, following Fed Chair Powell's testimony to the Senate, where he indicated that interest rates likely won't need significant adjustments due to a strong economy. Powell even mentioned that the "natural rate" of interest, a theoretical optimal level, might be higher than previously thought, suggesting potential for further rate stability. To round out the day, Elon Mu...
Market commentary provided to media today 9.15 am 25 September 2024 投資家が蓄積モードに切り替え、中国の中央銀行が米連邦準備制度理事会とともに金利を引き下げた後、新記録の歴史的な高値をつけた市場が増加した。二つの有力経済が金利を同時に引き下げる中、欧州とアメリカのシェアが上昇し、金属の株が上昇を牽引した一方、金は輝かしい記録を更新した。 Meanwh...
Sandeep Garg : o
Ct_yn : アルハムドゥリラー
Buy n Die Together❤ :![](
Spicy Bagel : 第2段落を笑います
mizieXX Ct_yn :![](