ウェル、12上昇しましたが、17から下落しています。 ショート売りはこの株を潰すのが好きだと理解する必要があります。新年もこの流れが続き、マイクロストラテジーは連続で上昇した後の全ての急騰を売ることになります。過去数週間、高値から47%下落しているのは、通常、全ての上昇相場は売りの機会であり、ここ数週間はショート売りの標的になっていたからです。 重要なのはビットコインです。ビットコインが100、105、110を通過する場合、マイクロストラテジーは逆転し、徐々に上昇トレンドに転じるでしょう。100%確定の声明です。 ビットコインが新高値をつけたとしても、マイクロストラテジーの株価は過去の高値にはならないということを保証します。 それほどまでの断言ができる理由は、マイクロストラテジーが純粋なモメンタムプレイになったためであり、そのために急騰を目撃したのです。 ビットコインが110,000ドルまたは115,000ドルであっても、マイクロストラテジーは80〜100ドル高くなると思いますが、選挙後に見られたような急騰はもう見られないと思います。 マイクロストラテジーが史上最高値を更新するには、ビットコインがかなり高くなる必要があると思います。多分120ドル以上です。 なぜなら、モメンタムがマイクロストラテジーを支配し、ビットコインが通常1.8倍から2倍で取引されているのに対し、マイクロストラテジーはほぼ4倍にまで上昇したからです。それはモメンタムです。これは、毎日プレマーケットで2倍、3倍になるようなちっぽけな株を見るような純粋なモメンタムで取引されていたのです。 マイクロストラテジーをプレイする方法は、ブルな2倍レバレッジETFを介して行うことだと思います。それにちょっとずつ手を出してください。先週はプットを売りました。今週も$7のストライキでプットを売りました。そして、下降日に少しずつマイクロストラテジーを買うと思います。なぜなら、数週間連続して上昇した日はありません。 いずれの時点かで、この状況は逆転し、その時にはすでにポジションを確立している必要があります。というのも、株が数日間連続で急騰し、結局小売業者全体が「あぁ、明日は落ちるだろうから、その時に買うぞ」と言い出しても実現しないからです。 you have to understand that shorts love to kill this stock and it's going to continue into this new year that they will sell every Spike because it's been several weeks before microstrategy has had two up days in a row normally every rally is a time to sell into and short for the past few weeks it's down 47% from its highs. what it comes down to is Bitcoin simple as that very binary if Bitcoin trades back up through 100 through 105 and 110 microstrategy will reverse and will begin to gradually trend higher 100% absolute statement. I will tell you this even if Bitcoin puts a new high in microstrategy stock will not be at its old highs that I will guarantee. the reason why I can make a statement to that extent is microstrategy became a pure momentum play and that's why you saw a go parabolic. if Bitcoin is 110,000 or $115,000 I think micro strategy could be 80-$100 higher but I don't believe we are going to see another parabolic move like we saw post election.. to see all-time highs at a micro strategy I think Bitcoin is going to have to be significantly higher maybe $120++ and this is because the momentum is what took over microstrategy and the premium that Bitcoin was trading at which microstrategy is normally like 1.8 to 2X it went to almost 4X and that's momentum it was trading just like you see these little shit stocks that double and triple pre-market every day pure momentum. I think the way to play micro strategy is through the 2x leveraged ETF which is a bull. and you nibble at it I sold puts last week I sold puts this week at a $7 strike and I think you buy microstrategy a little bit at a time on down days because again we have not had two consecutive up days in weeks. at some point in time this will reverse and that's when you need to already have established a position in it because you will see the stock Gap up for several days in a row and then all of retail will say oh I just needed to fall tomorrow and then I'll buy and it doesn't happen
bright Ibex_3623 : 操作的な株
北美小丁 : 株を売り続けて、ビットコインを買うのは、株民には耐えられません。
103650479 : ゴミ株、時間を無駄にする
10baggerbamm : ウェル、12上昇しましたが、17から下落しています。
you have to understand that shorts love to kill this stock and it's going to continue into this new year that they will sell every Spike because it's been several weeks before microstrategy has had two up days in a row normally every rally is a time to sell into and short for the past few weeks it's down 47% from its highs.
what it comes down to is Bitcoin simple as that very binary if Bitcoin trades back up through 100 through 105 and 110 microstrategy will reverse and will begin to gradually trend higher 100% absolute statement.
I will tell you this even if Bitcoin puts a new high in microstrategy stock will not be at its old highs that I will guarantee.
the reason why I can make a statement to that extent is microstrategy became a pure momentum play and that's why you saw a go parabolic.
if Bitcoin is 110,000 or $115,000 I think micro strategy could be 80-$100 higher but I don't believe we are going to see another parabolic move like we saw post election..
to see all-time highs at a micro strategy I think Bitcoin is going to have to be significantly higher maybe $120++
and this is because the momentum is what took over microstrategy and the premium that Bitcoin was trading at which microstrategy is normally like 1.8 to 2X it went to almost 4X and that's momentum it was trading just like you see these little shit stocks that double and triple pre-market every day pure momentum.
I think the way to play micro strategy is through the 2x leveraged ETF which is a bull. and you nibble at it I sold puts last week I sold puts this week at a $7 strike and I think you buy microstrategy a little bit at a time on down days because again we have not had two consecutive up days in weeks.
at some point in time this will reverse and that's when you need to already have established a position in it because you will see the stock Gap up for several days in a row and then all of retail will say oh I just needed to fall tomorrow and then I'll buy and it doesn't happen
104724120 : 株式を取引しましょう。このものは彼らの収穫機に変わってしまいました。いつでもビットコインを逆に収穫しています。