The significant insider selling of Piper Sandler Companies shares over the past year, especially in the last quarter, might be a warning sign for shareholders. The absence of insider purchases in the past year and the low level of insider ownership could indicate a misalignment between insiders and other shareholders. Be cautious before purchasing Piper Sandler Companies stock.
Despite the bank's diverse business model, good risk profile, and excellent management team, the analyst does not see the same degree of differentiated factors that would cause the shares to outperform peers as they did last year.
News Highlights $アップル (AAPL.US)$shares fell by 1.27%, closing at $181.91. Its options trading volume is 1.28 million. Call contracts account for 53.2% of the whole trading volume.The most traded calls are contracts of $185 strike price that expire on January 5th. The total volume reaches 106,469 with an open interest of 20,063. The most traded puts are contracts of a $180 strike price that expires...
$マイクロソフト (MSFT.US)$の時価総額は、最も価値のある米国企業の競争でより接近しています $アップル (AAPL.US)$アメリカで最も価値のある企業のレースで。月曜日現在、マイクロソフトの時価総額は2.78兆ドルであり、わずかにアップルの2.89兆ドルに及んでいます。この2つのテックビヘモス間の差は縮小し、マイクロソフトはわずか1000億ドル差で追随しています。
$アップル (AAPL.US)$ shares fell by 1.27%, closing at $181.91. Its options trading volume is 1.28 million. Call contracts account for 53.2% of the whole trading volume.The most traded calls are contracts of $185 strike price that expire on January 5th. The total volume reaches 106,469 with an open interest of 20,063. The most traded puts are contracts of a $180 strike price that expires...
$エヌビディア (NVDA.US)$株価は11月に20%、年初来で260%上昇しました。以下は、過去に決算発表をした日にNvidiaの株価の過去のパフォーマンスです: