
Explain how to use the popular Moomoo (Moomoo) securities app

Views 8296Apr 12, 2024

1. What is Moomoo Securities

Moomoo (Moomoo) Securities is a group company of “Futu Holdings Limited,” which is an American NASDAQ listed company. The next-generation financial information application “moomoo,” which is being deployed globally in Hong Kong, America, Singapore, Australia, etc., was developed in Silicon Valley in the United States, and currently more than 40% of the adult population in Hong Kong and close to 30% of people in Singapore have downloaded it. The number of downloads worldwide has exceeded 21 million.

When “moomoo” was developed in Japan, it entered the Japanese market with full satisfaction by acquiring Hibiki Securities, a securities company founded in Taisho 9. Since then, the moomoo app was released in Japan on 2022/10/27. It has strengths in all areas such as Japanese stocks, exchange, futures information, etc., and in particular, it provides real-time board information on US stocks and trading trends for institutional investors. Spot trading of US stocks began in 2023/9, new NISA account trading began in 2024/1, and spot trading of Japanese stocks began in 2024/3.

The biggest characteristic of MOOMOO Securities is the quality of its information. Compared to major domestic securities companies, it has been evaluated that the quality of information that can be obtained with this application alone is different. A typical securities company can first open an account and then use internal services. The moomoo app is the opposite; you can use the free app first, and you can use a wealth of investment information and analysis tools even if you don't have a securities account. Financial statements are difficult for general users to read, but the information is visualized and processed and provided so that it can be understood intuitively. The Futu Group, which is the parent company, was founded in Hong Kong by Chinese IT giant Tencent, and Tencent is a major shareholder, but Moomoo Securities is a securities company registered as a financial products dealer by the Financial Services Agency.

From now onmoomoo appI will explain how to use it.

Click on the image to check the details

2. How to use the moomoo app

[Real-time order analysis (institutional investor trends)]

Usage: Individual Stocks > Charts > Order/Contract Analysis

real-time stock price chart--moomoo

Obtaining as much information as possible for stock transactions makes it easier to make investment decisions. In particular, it is important to understand how large investors who move large sums of money are moving. If you look not only at the chart, but also at the “order/contract analysis” function, you can see at a glance whether selling or buying is dominant in the market. In the moomoo app, you can view this “order/contract analysis” by scrolling down the chart screen.

Institutional investor movements--moomoo

Furthermore, you can see what kind of stocks the world's top institutional investors, such as world-famous Warren Buffett and George Soros, are buying. It became a hot topic when Mr. Buffett bought Japanese trading company stocks, but I was able to confirm it before it was reported that it was a moomoo app. In particular, if you are new to investing, being able to check what stocks professional investors are trading and at what timing is a huge advantage. Here, you can check the trend of institutional investors you are interested in from “Market” → “US Stocks” → “Institutional Investor Trends.”

[Short sale information]

Usage: Individual Stocks > Charts > Credit Balances

Short sale information--moomoo

[AI chart/stock price prediction]

Usage: Markets > Japan Stocks > Chart Forecast

The future of stock prices--moomoo

The moomoo app has “chart pattern” functions and “chart prediction” functions for US stocks and Japanese stocks. First, I'll explain the chart pattern function. Currently, we offer a total of 20 chart patterns (10 rising patterns) and 10 falling patterns).

stock chart pattern--moomoo

If you select the chart pattern you are interested in from the rising or falling patterns, you can check the list of stocks corresponding to that trend. This function is called a “pattern screener.” This is a function that automatically identifies AI from a large number of stocks and extracts stocks corresponding to chart patterns. By using this function, users may be able to select stocks with a greater sense of satisfaction and peace of mind. You can use these functions by scrolling down “Market” → “US Stocks” or “Japanese Stocks”.

Next, I will explain the “chart prediction” function.

Chart Prediction--moomoo

This function is useful for efficiently searching for stocks with similar patterns and predicting future trends. In the search box, you can search for stocks you are interested in. The trend of stocks similar to that stock is displayed, and when the start button is pressed, a chart forecast is displayed. Furthermore, you can also see the degree of similarity between the two. Similarity is calculated by identifying and analyzing chart patterns and trends using big data and then using specific algorithms. Note that the data explained here is a function that calculates the degree of similarity between price movements of target stocks and price movements of other stocks with similar trends based on historical data for the entire market, and calculates probability distributions of possible price movements, and is used only as an investment reference.

3. No fees for Japanese stock trading!

Moomoo Securities began trading US stocks in September 2023. Also, we started a Japanese stock trading service for all users on 2024/3/18 (Monday).

Moreover, “anyone without conditions” can use the transaction fee for 0 yen. (Furthermore, if it is an NISA account, the transaction fee for not only Japanese stocks but also US stocks is 0 yen)

Currently, in addition to MooMoo Securities, there are only 2 companies with no transaction fees for Japanese stocks, Rakuten Securities and SBI Securities. Not only Japanese stocks, but also transaction fees for US stocks are cheap compared to these 2 companies, and the amount of information is overwhelming with just one application (securities account), so I think MOOMOO SECURITIES is recommended for investors. Moomoo Securities is developing a new service in Japan, but it has already acquired more than 21 million users globally, and since the group boasts high profitability, it is thought that such a bold fee system has been realized. It can also be taken as proof that the Group places so much emphasis on the Japanese market, so it seems that future service expansion can also be expected.

[Push Notifications]

push notifications --moomoo

The moomoo app has a real-time push notification function for users “when there is big news that moves the entire market,” “when financial results are announced,” “when favorite stocks move drastically,” and “when professional stock price predictions change.” This allows users to respond quickly when stock prices fluctuate greatly. I don't think this kind of detailed service is a service that other securities companies often have.

Also, you can set alerts for stocks you own. This makes it possible to buy and sell at the right time

The moomoo app supports it. In particular, there are many events for US stocks in the middle of the night Japan time, so this is a very convenient feature.

[High dividend ranking]

High dividend ranking -- moomoo

Interest in high-dividend stocks is also growing due to the new NISA. High dividend stocks refer to stocks with high dividend yields. Dividend yield is calculated by dividing the annual dividend per share by the current stock price. If you hold high-dividend stocks, you can expect to receive high dividends on a regular basis. Note that normally, 20.315% tax is deducted from distributions, but if it is an NISA account, you can receive distributions without tax. Stock investments, which are said to be more difficult to sell than when buying, can wait for price increases while receiving high dividends if they are high-dividend stocks. With the MooMoo app, you can easily view popular high-dividend stocks even with NISA accounts in rankings. Of course, you can view both Japanese stocks and US stocks, so I think it's a function that people who like high-dividend stocks definitely want to use. On the moomoo app, you can view high-dividend stock rankings from the “Japanese stocks” and “US stocks” columns.

[Various ways to order]

how to order stocks -- moomoo

There are plenty of ordering methods on the moomoo app. You can select the stocks you want to trade and select the order method from the order page. In addition to the general “limit price (specified price)” and “market price (market price)” orders, there are various conditional order methods. A “stop loss price (limit price or market price)” means that when the stock price rises to a specified trigger price, an order is placed at the limit price or market price. Also, “trigger (limit price or market price)” means that when the stock price falls to the specified trigger price, an order is placed at the limit price or market price. A “trail stop (limit price or market price)” is an order method that automatically corrects the price that triggers a stop loss order in real time according to the increase or decline in stock prices. In this way, it is possible to set various order methods according to each investment style.

[Morningstar Evaluation Report*Coming soon]

The Morningstar Evaluation Report is an evaluation report compiled in a complex manner by Morningstar analysts evaluating the value of stocks through multifaceted and comprehensive analysis such as fair value, economic moats, Morningstar ratings, risk ratings, etc. Users can analyze based on this information, and it assists users in making investment decisions. With this report, you can see the opinions of large investors, such as overseas investors, who account for about 70% of Tokyo Stock Exchange trading, and surveys on Japanese stocks seen from overseas, and it is very helpful. Of course, you can also view all of these reports for free.

[Themed Investments]

theme investment--moomoo

We provide a “theme investment” function for those who don't know which stocks to invest in or who want to know which industrial fields are expected to grow in the future. It's also an ideal function for searching for topics you're interested in, such as “rising interest rates,” “semiconductor-related,” and “AI (artificial intelligence),” which are currently being talked about. Since it can be used not only for stock selection, but also for learning global trends, I think this function is recommended not only for investors but also for a wide range of people.

[Shareholder Benefits*Coming soon]

Shareholder benefits are preferential treatment systems that give a company shareholders who have held a certain number of shares or more on the entitlement date. Japanese companies provide their own products, services, gift certificates, etc. to shareholders once or twice every year, but not all companies offer shareholder benefits. Shareholder benefits are a popular system among individual investors and are a factor in investment decisions. Shareholder benefit information is also planned to be provided on the moomoo app, and it can be expected that functions will continue to be expanded in line with users in the future.

services:A special promotion campaign for Moomoo Securities is underway!

Here's how to apply:

The person who introduced it:

  1. invite buttonTap to share the link.

  2. Once the referred person opens an account and meets the specified conditions, they can always receive an Amazon gift card worth 20,000 yen.

The person who was introduced

  1. Tap the link that was sent to you.

  2. If you open an account with Moomoo Securities and meet the specified conditions, you can always receive 4 or more popular stocks as gifts.

If you want to know more details, click on the image and check out the campaign page!


Up to this point, I have provided an overview of Moomoo Securities and an explanation of the app. It is an application that is supported globally, and compared to Japanese securities companies, it is possible to obtain a wide range of information globally. Furthermore, transaction fees are also at the lowest level compared to other domestic companies. There may be people who feel that there are so many features that they don't know what to look at, but once you get used to it, you can accurately obtain necessary information, and it is an application that helps you make investment decisions. A great campaign is also being carried out now, so be sure to take this opportunitymoomoo appPlease make use of it.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any specific investment or investment strategy.

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