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Mutual Funds in Singapore

Views 5414Apr 28, 2024

What are Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds are financial vehicles that pool together money from multiple investors and use that money to purchase a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities. They are a popular investment option in Singapore, offering investors the opportunity to gain exposure to a wide range of assets with a relatively small amount of capital.

One of the main advantages of investing in mutual funds is that they offer professional management of your investments. Rather than having to research and choose individual stocks or bonds, investors can rely on the expertise of professional fund managers to make investment decisions on their behalf. This can be particularly useful for those who do not have the time or knowledge to actively manage their own investments.

Types of Mutual Funds

There are various types of mutual funds available, each with its own specific investment focus and risk profile. Some common types of mutual funds include:

Equity Funds: Equity funds invest in stocks, with the goal of generating capital appreciation over the long term. They can be further sub-categorized based on the type of stocks they invest in, such as large cap, mid cap, or small cap, or based on the sectors or industries they focus on, such as technology or healthcare.

Bond Funds: Bond funds invest in fixed income securities, such as government bonds, corporate bonds, or municipal bonds. They can be used to generate income or to diversify a portfolio by adding a more stable asset class.

Balanced Funds: Balanced funds invest in a mix of stocks and bonds, with the goal of providing both growth and income. They can be a good option for investors looking for a moderate level of risk.

Money Market Funds: Money market funds invest in short-term, highly liquid debt securities, such as certificates of deposit and commercial paper. They are generally considered to be a low-risk investment option, with the goal of preserving capital and generating a small amount of income.

Specialized Funds: Specialized funds invest in specific sectors or industries, such as technology or healthcare, or in specific regions or countries. They can be more risky than more diversified funds, as they are more exposed to the performance of a specific sector or region.

Pros and Cons of Investing in Mutual Funds

Mutual funds can be a convenient and effective investment option for many investors, offering the opportunity to gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities with a relatively small amount of capital. However, like any investment, mutual funds also have their own set of pros and cons that investors should consider before making a decision.

Pros of investing in mutual funds:

Professional management: Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers, who research and select the securities in the fund's portfolio. This can be particularly useful for investors who do not have the time or expertise to manage their own investments.

Diversification: Mutual funds offer investors the opportunity to diversify their portfolios by investing in a mix of stocks, bonds, or other securities. This can help to reduce risk and potentially enhance returns over the long term.

Convenience: Mutual funds are relatively easy to buy and sell, and they can be purchased through most brokerage firms or financial advisors.

Low minimum investment: Many mutual funds have low minimum investment requirements, making them accessible to investors with limited capital.

Cons of investing in mutual funds:

Fees: Most mutual funds charge annual management fees to cover the costs of managing the fund, as well as sales charges when you buy or sell shares in the fund. These fees can significantly impact your returns over time.

Risk: Mutual funds carry varying levels of risk depending on the types of securities they invest in. Some mutual funds may be more volatile than others, and there is always the risk that you could lose some or all of your investment.

Lack of control: As an investor in a mutual fund, you do not have direct control over the specific securities that are included in the fund's portfolio.

Potential for underperformance: While mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers, there is always the risk that the fund may underperform compared to other investment options.

Examples of Mutual Funds in Singapore

There are many mutual funds available in Singapore, offering a wide range of investment options to suit different investment objectives and risk tolerances. Some examples of mutual funds in Singapore include:

Aviva MM Capital Growth(0P00008T71.SI): This is an equity fund that has a larger portion of its portfolio allocated to equities, with significant positions in technology, finance, and consumer cyclical stocks.

LionGlobal Short Duration Bond Fund Class A (SGD) (Dist) (0P00006FYV.SI): This fund focuses on investing in bonds, with holdings diversified over both Singapore and international bonds, as well as high quality interest rate securities, business trusts, and REITs.

Nikko AM Singapore STI ETF(G3B.SI): This exchange-traded fund (ETF) tracks the performance of the Straits Times Index (STI), which consists of the 30 largest and most liquid companies listed on the Singapore Exchange.

Investing in Mutual Funds via moomoo

You can start investing in mutual funds through moomoo, which supports a wide variety of mutual funds on their platform. To begin, click on the 'Funds' tab at the bottom of the screen. After which, you will be able to select from a few categories of funds available, such as 'Equity Funds', 'Bond Funds', and 'Balanced Funds'. After selecting your desired category, you will be shown a list of mutual funds that belong to that category. You will then be able to look through the list and click on any mutual fund that you are interested in to find out more about that mutual fund.

mutual fund information in moomoo stock trading app

Images provided are not current and any securities are shown for illustrative purposes only.

After clicking on a particular mutual fund, you will be able to see a summarised chart of its past performance. Upon scrolling down, you will be able to see the fund's historical returns and specific portfolio allocations as seen in the screenshots below. You can also navigate to the 'Analysis' tab to get an overview of the asset, portfolio, and region breakdown of the fund's assets. The information obtained can then help you to make a more informed investment decision. You can sign up and download the moomoo app to get the comprehensive information about the mutual fund.

mutual fund performance in moomoo stock trading app

Images provided are not current and any securities are shown for illustrative purposes only.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any specific investment or investment strategy.

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