Moomoo Malaysia Help Center-U.S. Stocks, ETFs, REITs and Fractional Shares
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U.S. Stocks, ETFs, REITs and Fractional Shares

1. Commission

Type Currency Fees Charged by


USD 0.03% * Transaction amount

Moomoo MY


2. Platform Fees

Type Currency Fees Charged by

Platform Fees

USD $0.99 / Order

Moomoo MY


1. Each order may be filled through multiple trades but will only be charged once for the Commission and Platform Fees.

2. If an order is a Good-Til-Canceled order, the Commission and Platform Fees of such order shall be settled according to the trading day. Transactions on the same trading day shall be charged as one order, and transactions on different trading days shall be charged as different orders.

3. Please note that low-priced stocks are generally more volatile and have the risk of being delisted.

4. As a technology brokerage, Moomoo MY has been committed to providing clients with high-quality and stable products and services. The platform fees are designed to ensure the company's sustainable investment in research and development so that Moomoo MY can provide you with an excellent trading experience through optimal iteration in technology.


3. Other Fees

Type Currency Fees Charged by
Stamp Duty USD RM1.00 for every RM1,000 (or fractional part) of the transaction amount, maximum RM200 or 1,000 per trade (depends on the stock type, please refer to the table below) Government of Malaysia
Settlement Fees USD $0.003 / Share, maximum 1% * Trade amount / Trade U.S. Settlement Agency etc.
SEC Fees (sells only) USD

$0.0000278 * Transaction amount, minimum $0.01 / Trade

Trading Activity Fees (TAF, sells only) USD $0.000166 / Share, minimum $0.01 / Trade, maximum $8.30 / Trade FINRA
ADR Custodian Fees USD $0.01~$0.05 / Share DTC


1. The SEC fees have been adjusted to 0.0000278 times the transaction amount, with a minimum of $0.01 per trade, effective from May 22, 2024 ET.

2. Stamp Duty, Settlement Fees, SEC Fees and Trading Activity Fees are calculated on a per trade basis (each order may be filled through multiple trades).


3.1 Stamp Duty Details

Stock Type Fees Maximum Fee / Trade Charged by
Foreign Shares RM1.00 for every RM1,000 (or fractional part) of the transaction amount RM1,000 Government of Malaysia
Foreign ETF RM200


1. US stock trading is subject to Stamp Duty charged by the Government of Malaysia. Stamp duty will be charged in USD. For more details about Stamp Duty, please click here.


4. US Fractional Shares Trading Fees

Type Commission Platform Fees Charged by
Trade Size <1 Share Waived 0.99%* transaction amount
Capped at USD $0.99/order
Moomoo MY
Trade Size ≥1 Share(s) Standard US stock trading fees apply


1. In US fractional trading, no "Settlement Fees", "SEC Fees" or "Trading Activity Fees” will be charged for orders less than 1 share. For orders of 1 share or more, the "SEC Fees", "Settlement Fees" and "Trading Activity Fees" will be charged according to the above standard.


5. Corporate Action Fees

Moomoo MY currently does not charge any processing fees for corporate actions of US stocks. However, taxes and any third-party/exchange charges will still be passed on to you. Moomoo MY currently does not support on the service of shareholders general meeting for US stocks. Please note that dividends may also be subject to tax. Tax rates may vary depending on the specific country/region.

In Malaysia, investment products and services available through the moomoo app are offered through Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. ("Moomoo MY").

Please be advised that, the Sales and Service Tax ("SST") will be applicable after Moomoo MY being registered with the Royal Malaysian Customs Department. Moomoo MY reserves the right to start collecting the SST from you without further notice on and from the effective date set in the SST registration approval letter.