Reuters ·  Aug 15, 2024 06:56

Key highlights for the first quarter of $Singtel (Z74.SG)$ :

Underlying net profit was up 5.4% to S$603 million and would have increased 8.7% in
constant currency terms from strong core operating performance, partly offset by lower
profit contributions from Airtel and Telkomsel

Net profit was 43% higher with a net exceptional gain compared to a net exceptional
loss in the last corresponding quarter

Operating revenue was down 2.1% while EBITDA and EBIT1 rose 8.4% and 27%
respectively with Trustwave’s2 deconsolidation from October 2023

• On an underlying basis3, operating revenue was stable while EBITDA and EBIT1increased 5.6% and 16% respectively, mainly driven by growth in Optus and NCS

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