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haha..becos he can't beat China brand
that's why Tesla Model Y is the best selling car in China and the 2nd best car is less than half the price.
China is not the issue ..the issue is in USA with their brand leader's BS political decisions. Protest is everywhere now. it's becoming a trend to hate Tesla. And that's across different age groups
Make Shanghai Great Again!
Not a bad idea!
If he is sells good in China than why he make cheaper version. You know once cheaper version model y come out no one will buy the pricy one
how do you know it's a Model Y? In the Q4'24 earnings call, Tesla clearly mentioned that they'll be launching 2 more affordable models. Currently their average selling price only caters for a TAM of less than 10%, so if you want to expand your TAM, you need a cheaper car.
Eventually they'll launch a vehicle at close to $25k to increase their TAM close to 50%. Unless they prioritize the expansion of Robotaxis, they'll slow down that need.
Are you aware that the New Model Y has OVER 200k bookings?
You living in the dream. Like everyotther Leon fan boys
I've presented facts and figures, now counter that with facts, figures and statistics, not rhetorics
Let’s see Q1 earnings report. You are more than welcome to lose money. Pay for what you believe.
I'm an investor, not a trader... I've got a 10 year investment horizon with my modelling of which car sales account for less than 2% of Tesla's enterprise value. I'm well informed, you need not worry about me
I am not worry about you. I wait to laugh at you. LOL
Reason For Report