Summary by Moomoo AI
PINGAN INSURANCE (GROUP) CO., LTD. (“CHINA PINGAN”) WILL HOLD A BOARD MEETING ON THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2024, AT WHICH TIME MATTERS INCLUDING THE GROUP'S ANNUAL RESULTS REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 AND THE PROPOSED FINAL DIVIDEND WILL BE CONSIDERED AND APPROVED. This meeting will deal with other matters. Company Secretary Shing Rui Sen issued a notice on 28 December 2023. At present, the Executive Directors of Ping'an China consist of Ma Mingzhe, Xie Yonglin, Chen Xinying and Cai Fangfang, with five non-executive directors including Xie Ji, and six others among the independent non-executive directors including Wu Cheng Yie.