Summary by Moomoo AI
TIANLI INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED ANNOUNCED ON 29 DECEMBER 2023 THAT THE COMPANY'S EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, MR. LO SHEA, HELD 300,000 SHARES OF THE COMPANY IN OPEN MARKET TRADING AT AN AVERAGE PRICE OF HK$3.23 PER SHARE, INCREASING MR. GORO'S SHAREHOLDING RATIO TO 41.90%. Mr. Lo expressed confidence in the company's business prospects and prospects, and that it may increase its shareholding further. On the same day, Tianli International also repurchased 354,000 shares. As of July 26, 2023, the company has cumulatively repurchased 25,029,000 shares, representing approximately 1.16% of the issued shares. The Board believes that this move demonstrates confidence in the Company's business prospects and creates value for shareholders. The company will continue to comply with the listing rules and maintain sufficient public shareholding.