Summary by Moomoo AI
PAK FENG GROUP LIMITED (PC PARTNER) ISSUED A PROFIT WARNING, EXPECTING SHAREHOLDERS TO MAKE A PROFIT OF ABOUT HK$600,000 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023, A SIGNIFICANT DECREASE FROM HK$7.02 MILLION IN THE SAME PERIOD LAST YEAR. The company noted that the change is mainly due to the ongoing impact of the macroeconomic environment on demand for computer products, including graphics cards. In addition, there is a disagreement between the company and US Customs over the appropriate amount of duties and is still under active debate, but the likelihood of a successful dispute and whether provision is needed is still unclear. Pak Nong Group said that the financial information currently disclosed is based on unaudited financial statements and preliminary assessments and will publish more detailed annual results in March 2024. The Company reminds shareholders and potential investors to exercise caution when trading shares.