Summary by Moomoo AI
RENDE RESOURCES HOLDINGS LIMITED (THE “COMPANY”) WILL HOLD A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING ON MARCH 6, 2024 TO REVIEW AND APPROVE THE DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT WITH HANG YU SECURITIES LIMITED. The Agreement, signed on 17 January 2024, envisages the sale of up to 37,627,200 shares at a price of HK$0.201 per share. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall authorize the Board of Directors to issue shares in accordance with the terms of the Agreement after approval by the GEM Listing Committee of the Exchange. Shareholders may appoint representatives to attend the General Meeting and vote. Registration of the Register of Shareholders will be suspended from 1 to 6 March. Proxy forms related to the meeting are available on the Company's and Exchange's websites. In case of bad weather on the day, the meeting will be postponed and the relevant arrangements will be announced separately.