Summary by Moomoo AI
CAPITAL TERRITORY HOLDINGS GROUP LIMITED (“CAPITAL TERRITORY HOLDINGS”) ANNOUNCED THAT IT HAS COMPLETED ON 23 FEBRUARY 2024 THE DISTRIBUTION OF 144,000,000 SHARES OF NEW ORDINARY SHARES UNDER GENERAL MANDATES AT A PRICE OF HK$0.65 PER SHARE FOR A TOTAL RAISING OF APPROXIMATELY HK$92,500,000. Approximately 16.65% of the issued share capital has been issued following the expansion of the new shares. The allotted shares will have the same status as the existing shares. The underwriters are no less than six independent third parties, and none of them becomes a major shareholder of the company after the sale. The net proceeds will be used to repay borrowings (approximately 2.2%), the Group's general working capital (approximately 9.7%) and future investment opportunities (approximately 88.1%). This share distribution affected the company's equity structure, which included adjustments to the shareholding ratios of Zhang Hai, Infinite Apex International Corporation, Yitong Enterprise Group Holdings Limited and other public shareholders.