Summary by Moomoo AI
Kyung Fang Precision Power Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 00710) filed its latest Monthly Securities Change Report with Hong Kong Trading and Settlement Limited on 29 February 2024. The report shows that as of the end of February 2024, the regulated/registered share capital of the company remained unchanged, totalling 5,000,000,000 shares with a face value of HK$0.25 per share, totalling HK$1,250,000,000. At the same time, the number of shares issued by the company did not increase during the month, and the number of deposits remained unchanged. Changes in stock options, warrants, convertible notes, other agreements or arrangements, and pre-trust securities are not mentioned in the report. Company Secretary Chung Kai Cheong confirmed that all issuance of securities has been formally authorized and approved by the Board of Directors and complies with the relevant requirements of the Securities Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited.