Summary by Moomoo AI
Mau Kee Kwai Chung Limited submitted its latest Securities Change Month Report to Hong Kong Trading and Settlement Limited on 6 March 2024, reporting the changes in the company's shares for the year ended 29 February 2024. The report shows that the company's regulated/registered share capital and issued shares remained unchanged during the reporting period at HK$3,800,000 with a face value of HK$0.01 per share, and the total number of shares was 380,000,000 shares. In addition, under the share option plan adopted on 2 March 2018, the Company did not add any share options during the month. The number of outstanding share options was 27,000,000 shares and no funds received during the month as a result of the exercise of options. The report does not include information on Hong Kong pre-trust securities and other changes in issued shares, undertaking to issue warrants, convertible notes and other agreements or arrangements are not applicable.