Summary by Moomoo AI
XINJIANG TIMES GROUP LIMITED (FORMERLY JIAMIN GROUP LIMITED) ANNOUNCES ITS ANNUAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023. In the year, Group revenue increased 28.4% year-on-year to HK$278.5 million, mainly due to social distancing measures easing and immigration policy changes. The loss for the year decreased to HK$6,618 million, a significant decrease from the previous year's HK$23,000. At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 22 February 2024, the Group approved the change of the company's English name from “Jia Group Holdings Limited” to “XinXiang Era Group Company Limited” and the Chinese name from “Jiamin Group Limited” to “Xinjiang Era Group Limited”, effective from 29 February 2024. In addition, the Group carried out a share merger on 25 March 2024, in which each two existing...Show More