TECHBASE: TECHBASE - Renounceable rights issue of up to RM102,578,353 nominal value of 2,051,567,055 five (5)-year, 0.10% Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks ("ICULS") at 100.0% of its nominal value of RM0.05 each on the basis of five (5) ICULS
TECHBASE: TECHBASE - Renounceable rights issue of up to RM102,578,353 nominal value of 2,051,567,055 five (5)-year, 0.10% Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks ("ICULS") at 100.0% of its nominal value of RM0.05 each on the basis of five (5) ICULS
TECHBASE:TECHBASE——在五(5)個ICULS的基礎上,按每股0.05令吉名義價值0.055令吉的100.05%,發行面值高達102,578,353令吉的可放棄配股票(“ICULS”),面值爲2,051,567,055股五(5)年、0.10% 的不可贖回可轉換無抵押貸款股票(“ICULS”)