Summary by Moomoo AI
JW Therapeutics filed its latest Securities Changes Month Report with Hong Kong Trading and Settlement Limited on April 5, 2024, reporting the changes in the company's shares for the year ended March 31, 2024. The report showed that the company's regulated/registered share capital was maintained at 5,000,000,000 shares with a face value of $0.00001 per share and a total share capital of $50,000, unchanged this month. In terms of stock options, under the Initial Public Offering Incentive Plan adopted on September 4, 2019, 176,000 share options were exercised this month, and 909 share options expired under the Initial Public Offering Incentive Plan adopted on October 14, 2020. Overall, the company's common stock increased by 176,000 shares this month. The Company confirms that all newly issued shares have been approved by the Board of Directors and comply with the relevant requirements of the Securities Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited.