Summary by Moomoo AI
China Tin Chemical Group Limited filed with Hong Kong Trading and Settlement Limited on 8 April 2024 with Hong Kong Trading and Settlement Holdings Limited, reporting the changes in the company's share capital as of 31 March 2024. The report showed that the company's regulated/registered share capital remained at 5,000,000,000 shares with a face value of HK$0.1 per share for a total of HK$500,000,000, unchanged this month. In addition, in the details of the changes in the issued shares of the Company, the share option plan adopted on 20 December 2012 was unchanged for the month. In the case of convertible notes, one convertible bond was completed this month, resulting in a decrease in the total issued amount of HK$ 13,423,200 and the other at HK$20,000,000. In total, ordinary shares increased by 63,920,000 shares this month. The Company confirms that all securities issuance has been approved by the Board of Directors and complies with the relevant requirements of the Securities Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited.