


HKEX ·  Apr 19, 2024 04:56

Summary by Moomoo AI

長實集團(CK ASSET)將於2024年5月23日下午2時15分,以混合方式在香港九龍紅磡德豐街20號九龍海逸君綽酒店一樓及網上舉行股東週年大會。會議將處理包括接納2023年度財務報表、宣派末期股息、選舉董事、聘任核數師及授權董事會釐定其酬金等事項。此外,將討論增發不超過已發行股份總數百分之十的新股,以及回購不超過已發行股份總數百分之十的股份的普通決議案。若遇黑色暴雨警告信號、八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號或香港政府宣佈「極端情況」,會議將順延至5月28日舉行。股東可透過網上平台參與會議並投票。末期股息(倘獲通過)將於5月29日派發給股東。
長實集團(CK ASSET)將於2024年5月23日下午2時15分,以混合方式在香港九龍紅磡德豐街20號九龍海逸君綽酒店一樓及網上舉行股東週年大會。會議將處理包括接納2023年度財務報表、宣派末期股息、選舉董事、聘任核數師及授權董事會釐定其酬金等事項。此外,將討論增發不超過已發行股份總數百分之十的新股,以及回購不超過已發行股份總數百分之十的股份的普通決議案。若遇黑色暴雨警告信號、八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號或香港政府宣佈「極端情況」,會議將順延至5月28日舉行。股東可透過網上平台參與會議並投票。末期股息(倘獲通過)將於5月29日派發給股東。
CK ASSET GROUP (CK ASSET) WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON 23 MAY 2024 AT 2.15PM ON A MIXED BASIS AT THE 1ST FLOOR OF THE GRAND DUK HOTEL, KOWLOON HARBOUR PLAZA, 20 TAK FUNG STREET, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, AND ONLINE. The meeting will cover matters including accepting the 2023 financial statements, declaring a final dividend, electing directors, appointing auditors and authorizing the Board to determine their remuneration. In addition, ordinary resolutions for the issuance of new shares not exceeding ten percent of the total issued shares and the repurchase of shares not exceeding ten percent of the total issued shares will be discussed. In the event of a black storm warning signal, tropical cyclone warning signal number 8 or above, or the Hong Kong Government declares an “extreme situation”, the meeting will be postponed to 28 May. Shareholders can participate in meetings and vote via the online platform. The final dividend (if approved) will be distributed to shareholders on May 29.
CK ASSET GROUP (CK ASSET) WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON 23 MAY 2024 AT 2.15PM ON A MIXED BASIS AT THE 1ST FLOOR OF THE GRAND DUK HOTEL, KOWLOON HARBOUR PLAZA, 20 TAK FUNG STREET, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, AND ONLINE. The meeting will cover matters including accepting the 2023 financial statements, declaring a final dividend, electing directors, appointing auditors and authorizing the Board to determine their remuneration. In addition, ordinary resolutions for the issuance of new shares not exceeding ten percent of the total issued shares and the repurchase of shares not exceeding ten percent of the total issued shares will be discussed. In the event of a black storm warning signal, tropical cyclone warning signal number 8 or above, or the Hong Kong Government declares an “extreme situation”, the meeting will be postponed to 28 May. Shareholders can participate in meetings and vote via the online platform. The final dividend (if approved) will be distributed to shareholders on May 29.
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