Summary by Moomoo AI
The Annual General Meeting of Fire Rock Holdings will be held in Singapore on 24 May 2024 at 11:00am to discuss a number of resolutions including the approval of the audited financial statements for 2023 and the Board's report. The meeting will also involve the re-election of Mr. Zhou Zhiwei as an Executive Director, Mr. Lau Zibo as an Independent Non-Executive Director, and the authorization of the Board to determine his remuneration. IN ADDITION, THE MEETING WILL DISCUSS THE RENEWAL OF FUHOWA ACCOUNTING FIRM AS AUDITOR AND AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO DETERMINE REMUNERATION AND GRANT GENERAL AND UNCONDITIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS TO THE DIRECTORS TO ISSUE AND REPURCHASE SHARES OF THE COMPANY. Shareholders may appoint representatives to attend the General Meeting and vote as directed.