


HKEX ·  Apr 29, 2024 17:11

Summary by Moomoo AI

盛輝清潔集團控股有限公司於2024年3月28日董事會審核通過了截至2023年12月31日的年度報告。報告顯示,公司總收入約為6.302億人民幣,較上年增長6.1%。調整後的稅後淨利潤約為3990萬人民幣,不包括一次性上市費用。公司未建議派發報告期內的最終股息。在公司治理方面,除了董事長與首席執行官角色未分離外,公司已遵守企業治理守則的所有條文。董事及行政總裁於2023年12月31日通知公司及香港交易所持有公司股份的利益。盛輝清潔計劃擴大在現有市場和新市場的業務,包括在大灣區的潛在收購或投資。公司的主要客戶和供應商分別佔總收入的3.1%和12.7%,以及集團總銷售成本的9.7%和26.6%。董事股權方面,李成華先生和陳立明先生透過控股公司各自持有公司36.095%的股份。至於重大股東的利益,李先生和陳先生分別透過其全資擁有的Prosperity Cleanness和Sunrise Cleanness持有586,543,750股,代表已發行股本的36.095%。兩人合計被視為對1,173,087,500股有利益,代表已發行股本的72.190%。截至報告期末,除了在「股份選擇權計劃」一節中披露的情況外,沒有進入或存在任何與股權掛鉤的協議。公司已於2023年11月14日採納股份選擇權計劃,以激勵員工、董事和服務提供者。截至2023年12月31日,沒有未行使、授予、取消、行使或失效的選擇權。至於管理合約,報告期內沒有簽訂或存在涉及公司整體或任何主要部分業務管理和行政的合約。根據報告日期,公司已維持香港交易所上市規則所規定的公眾持股量。普華永道將退休並在即將舉行的年度股東大會上提供自己重新任命。
Shing Fai Cleaning Group Holdings Limited on 28 March 2024, the Board of Directors audited the annual report as of 31 December 2023. The report showed that the company's total revenue was about RMB6.302 billion, an increase of 6.1% year-on-year. Adjusted net profit after tax was approximately RMB3990 million, excluding one-time listing charges. The Company does not propose to pay a final dividend during the reporting period. In terms of corporate governance, the company has complied with all provisions of the Code of Corporate Governance, except that the roles of Chairman and CEO are not separated. On 31 December 2023, the Director and Chief Executive Officer informed the Company and the HKEX of the interests of the Company's shares held. Magnificent Cleaning plans to...Show More
Shing Fai Cleaning Group Holdings Limited on 28 March 2024, the Board of Directors audited the annual report as of 31 December 2023. The report showed that the company's total revenue was about RMB6.302 billion, an increase of 6.1% year-on-year. Adjusted net profit after tax was approximately RMB3990 million, excluding one-time listing charges. The Company does not propose to pay a final dividend during the reporting period. In terms of corporate governance, the company has complied with all provisions of the Code of Corporate Governance, except that the roles of Chairman and CEO are not separated. On 31 December 2023, the Director and Chief Executive Officer informed the Company and the HKEX of the interests of the Company's shares held. Magnificent Cleaning plans to expand its business in existing and new markets, including potential acquisitions or investments in the Greater Bay Area. The company's main customers and suppliers account for 3.1% and 12.7% of total revenues, respectively, and 9.7% and 26.6% of the Group's total cost of sales. IN TERMS OF DIRECTORS' EQUITY, MR. LI CHENG WAH AND MR. CHEN LI-MING EACH OWN 36.095% OF THE COMPANY'S SHARES THROUGH THEIR HOLDING COMPANIES. In the interest of significant shareholders, Mr. Lee and Mr. Chen hold 586,543,750 shares, respectively, through their wholly-owned Prosperity Cleanness and Sunrise Cleanness, representing 36.095% of the issued share capital. The two persons together are considered to have an interest in 1,173,087,500 shares, representing 72.190% of the issued share capital. As of the end of the reporting period, no agreements linked to equity have been entered into or in existence except as disclosed in the Share Option Plan section. The Company has adopted a share option scheme on 14 November 2023 to incentivise employees, directors and service providers. As of December 31, 2023, there are no unexercised, granted, cancelled, exercised or void options. As for management contracts, no contracts have been signed or existed involving the management and administration of the company as a whole or any major part of the business during the reporting period. As of the date of the report, the Company has maintained a public shareholding in accordance with the HKEx Listing Rules. Paramount will retire and offer his reappointment at the upcoming annual general meeting.
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