Summary by Moomoo AI
HANSEN PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP LIMITED WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON JUNE 13, 2024 TO DISCUSS RE-ELECTION OF DIRECTORS, GRANT GENERAL MANDATES TO REPURCHASE SHARES AND ISSUE SHARES, DECLARE FINAL DIVIDENDS, AND RENEW AUDITORS. Shareholders will decide whether to authorize the Director to repurchase shares not exceeding 10% of the total issued shares and to issue additional shares not exceeding 20% of the total issued shares. In addition, the Board of Directors proposed a final dividend of HK14.22 cents per share and proposed the renewal of EY Accounting Firm as auditor. If shareholders are unable to attend the general meeting, the proxy form must be submitted by 11 June 2024. The relevant documents of the General Meeting have been published on the Company and the HKEX website.