Summary by Moomoo AI
New Era Group Limited (formerly known as Jiamin Group) announced on 9 May 2024 that it has restored 25% of the minimum public shareholding requirement in accordance with Section 11.23 (7) of the GEM Listing Rules of the Exchange. Previously, the sale of shares was expected to be completed by 2 May 2024, with a total sale of approximately 0.38% of the issued shares, bringing the public shareholding to the required proportion. The Exchange also granted an extension of the exemption on the same date to cover the period from 12 April to 2 May 2024. The share structure of the company showed that the shareholder's shareholding decreased from 75.38% to 75% and the shareholding of the public shareholders increased to 25%. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY CONFIRMS THAT ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REGULATIONS AND WITHOUT ANY MISLEADING OR FRAUDULENT COMPONENTS.