Summary by Moomoo AI
JIA SHUI GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON 25 JUNE 2024 AT THE CONTINENTAL TRADING CENTRE, HONG KONG CENTRAL. The meeting will consider a number of motions, including adopting the 2023 Financial Report and the Independent Auditor's Report, re-electing Mr. Guo Ying-sheng as Executive Directors, Mr. Rao Wing and Mr. Zhang Yi-Chao as Independent Non-Executive Directors, and authorizing the Board to determine the remuneration of directors. In addition, the meeting will consider the renewal of the inaugural Sindh Accounting Firm as an auditor and authorizing the Board of Directors to determine its remuneration. SPECIAL ITEMS INCLUDE AUTHORIZING DIRECTORS TO REPURCHASE NO MORE THAN 10% OF THE ISSUED SHARES AND THE ISSUANCE OF ADDITIONAL SHARES NOT...Show More