Summary by Moomoo AI
At the Annual General Meeting held on 10 May 2024, all proposed Ordinary and Special Resolutions were approved at the Annual General Meeting held on 10 May 2024. This includes the acceptance of audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023, Board reports and independent auditor reports, and the re-election of several directors including Mr. Tu Chi Keung, Dr. Su Lui Kwok. In addition, the meeting adopted a resolution to renew the Company as auditors of the Board of Accountants of Hong Kong and Pwai Yong Road Central Accounting Office and granted the directors general authority to issue and repurchase the Company's shares. Votes at the Annual General Meeting are monitored by Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited. Wah Wong Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company focused on medicines for the treatment of cancer and immune diseases. Three drugs are listed in China, including one in the United States.