Summary by Moomoo AI
LONGYUAN POWER GROUP CO., LTD. (THE “COMPANY”) WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON 6 JUNE 2024, WHICH WILL INCLUDE ANNUAL REPORTS, BOARD AND SUPERVISORY BOARD WORK REPORTS, AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND CALCULATION REPORTS, PROFIT DISTRIBUTION PLANS, BUDGETARY ARRANGEMENT REPORTS, DIRECTORS AND SUPERVISORY REMUNERATION PLANS, Motions on the renewal and appointment of auditors. In addition, general mandates to apply for registration and issuance of debt financing instruments within China and abroad, as well as the granting of general mandates to the Board of Directors to issue shares and repurchase H shares will be discussed. The independent directors will also submit an annual employment report. The Notice of the General Meeting and the Notice of the General Meeting of the Class H Shares were issued on 16 May 2024.