Summary by Moomoo AI
JS GLOBAL LIFE LIMITED (STOCK CODE: 1691) ANNOUNCED ON 22 MAY 2024 THE LIST OF ITS BOARD MEMBERS AND THE POSITIONS OF EACH MEMBER ON THE FOUR COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED UNDER THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Executive Directors include Chairman and CEO Wang Xuining, Han Run and Huang Shu-ling; Non-Executive Directors are Stassi Anastas ANASTASSOV; Independent Non-Executive Directors include Yuan DING, Yang Zhenxiang, Sun Zhe and Maximilian Walter CONZE. The four committees of the Board are the Strategy Committee, the Audit Committee, the Nominating Committee and the Remuneration Committee, with Yuan DING and Yang Chang-xiang serving as Chairmen of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee respectively, and the other members of the Board serving as members of each committee.