Summary by Moomoo AI
IGG'S NEXT DAY DISCLOSURE REPORT FILED ON MAY 24, 2024 SHOWS THAT THE COMPANY CONDUCTED MULTIPLE SHARE REPURCHASES BETWEEN APRIL 29 AND MAY 24, 2024, BUT HAS NOT WRITTEN THEM OFF. On the last trading day, 24 May 2024, IGG repurchased 331,000 shares of ordinary shares at prices ranging from HK$3.08 to HK$3.16 per share for a total cost of HK$1,027,620. Since the adoption of the Ordinary Resolution, IGG has repurchased a total of 23,770,000 shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, representing 1.9841% of the issued shares. The Company confirms that all repurchases comply with the relevant provisions of the Main Board Listing Rules/GEM Listing Rules.