


HKEX ·  Jun 19, 2024 18:40

Summary by Moomoo AI

中國油氣控股有限公司(「公司」)於2024年6月19日宣布,關於重組交易及清洗豁免的最後截止日期已從2024年4月30日延長至2024年8月31日。此決定是基於公司於2024年5月13日的公佈,並考慮到Crescent Spring審批流程的複雜性,以及各方認為延長四個月是監控重組交易進度的合理時間。公司已於2024年5月6日對香港高等法院駁回債權人計劃的裁決提出上訴。公司將每月更新重組交易及清洗豁免的進展,並將視乎情況考慮進一步延長最後截止日期。重組交易的完成仍需滿足若干先決條件,包括獲得清洗豁免及聯交所批准相關股份上市。公司股東及潛在投資者應謹慎行事,並於有疑問時尋求專業顧問意見。
中國油氣控股有限公司(「公司」)於2024年6月19日宣布,關於重組交易及清洗豁免的最後截止日期已從2024年4月30日延長至2024年8月31日。此決定是基於公司於2024年5月13日的公佈,並考慮到Crescent Spring審批流程的複雜性,以及各方認為延長四個月是監控重組交易進度的合理時間。公司已於2024年5月6日對香港高等法院駁回債權人計劃的裁決提出上訴。公司將每月更新重組交易及清洗豁免的進展,並將視乎情況考慮進一步延長最後截止日期。重組交易的完成仍需滿足若干先決條件,包括獲得清洗豁免及聯交所批准相關股份上市。公司股東及潛在投資者應謹慎行事,並於有疑問時尋求專業顧問意見。
Sino oil & gas announced on June 19, 2024 that the final deadline for reorganization and cleansing exemption has been extended from April 30, 2024 to August 31, 2024. This decision was made based on the company's announcement on May 13, 2024, taking into account the complexity of the Crescent Spring approval process, and the fact that four months is a reasonable time to monitor the progress of the reorganization transaction. The company has appealed against the rejection of the creditor plan by the Hong Kong High Court on May 6, 2024. The company will update the progress of the reorganization and cleansing exemption every month, and consider further extending the final deadline depending on the situation. The completion of the reorganization transaction still requires the fulfillment of several prerequisites, including obtaining cleansing exemption and approval from the Stock Exchange. Shareholders and potential investors should act prudently and seek professional advice if in doubt.
Sino oil & gas announced on June 19, 2024 that the final deadline for reorganization and cleansing exemption has been extended from April 30, 2024 to August 31, 2024. This decision was made based on the company's announcement on May 13, 2024, taking into account the complexity of the Crescent Spring approval process, and the fact that four months is a reasonable time to monitor the progress of the reorganization transaction. The company has appealed against the rejection of the creditor plan by the Hong Kong High Court on May 6, 2024. The company will update the progress of the reorganization and cleansing exemption every month, and consider further extending the final deadline depending on the situation. The completion of the reorganization transaction still requires the fulfillment of several prerequisites, including obtaining cleansing exemption and approval from the Stock Exchange. Shareholders and potential investors should act prudently and seek professional advice if in doubt.
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